Saint Petersburg Accountability Report on G20 Development Commitments
In June 2010 at the Toronto Summit, the G20 leaders established the G20 Development Working Group (DWG) with the aim of implementing a development agenda.
Annex 1 - Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth
In the wake of the most severe economic shock in recent history, the G20 has the opportunity to contribute to the reconstruction of the world economy in a form conducive to strong, sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth. -
The following sets out our concrete actions and outcomes to be delivered and developed over the medium term.
We meet in the midst of a critical transition from crisis to recovery to turn the page on an era of irresponsibility and to adopt a set of policies
Misperception of Risk and Return in Low Income Countries
Despite rapid development of Low Income Countries ('LICs') and Middle Income Countries ('MICs'), perception of their economic growth still lags reality. -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa
A tunnel of funds Assessing infrastructure project preparation for Africa Facilities for Africa. Volume A: Diagnostic & Recommendations -
Tunnels of Funds
Tunnels of Funds. Overview of the Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Infrastructure in Africa -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa. Appendixes -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa.
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa. Volume B: Individual Assessments -
Africa commands a powerful position on the world stage. It is seen as a land of opportunity — an emerging destination of choice for many investors and development actors as they look for highgrowth markets -
Follow up on the implementation of recommendations and plan elaborated by the HLP and MDBs -
Infrastructure Action Plan 2012 Follow-up Report
In 2011, extensive analysis and collaboration among the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) led to a jointly agreed Action Plan setting out ambitious initiatives aimed at (i) unlocking the infrastructure project pipeline -
Annex: Matrix of Actions of the MDB Action plan
The draft final report for the assessment was produced in mid September. An ICA Reference Group of MDBs and donors have provided guidance to finalize the study. -
urban mass transport infrastructure in developing countries
Urban transport determines the shape of a city and its ecological footprint. Many cities in low- and middle-income countries are at a crossroads.
Supporting Infrastructure Development in Low-Income Countries
Developing countries need substantially more infrastructure to grow and address poverty, inequality and unemployment concerns. This is particularly true in low-income countries (LICs), where annual investment needs could be as high as 15 percent of GDP. -
Infrastructure needs in developing countries
Infrastructure is a critical driver of economic growth. A cross-country analysis indicates that raising the quantity of infrastructure by one standard deviation increases the growth rate by several percentage points (Calderón and Servén 2004a). -
Principles for PPP Effectiveness in Developing Countries
Further to the G20 Development Working Group request, the purpose of this note is to identify key issues that can help ensure successful access to and use of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in developing countries. -
Infrastructure Needs Assessment
Infrastructure is a critical driver of economic growth. A cross-country analysis indicates that raising the quantity of infrastructure by one standard deviation increases the growth rate by several percentage points -
Project Selection and Prioritization
To improve the state of physical transport infrastructure (roads, rail, border-posts, ports) along the North-South Corridor and the regulatory environment for trade and transport (i.e. by simplifying and reducing cross-border clearing procedures, harmonising transit and transport regulations, and simplifying administrative requirements, etc.). -
The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) in the G20 context
The ICA was established in 2005 following the Gleneagles G8 Summit. It intends to make its members more effective at supporting infrastructure development in Africa by pooling efforts in key areas. -
The Development agenda is at the core of the G20 priorities. It is an essential part of the global economic agenda, promoting a shared and inclusive economic growth and reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment. -
Infrastructure Pillar : Conclusions and recommendations
Consistent with the six principles that inform our Seoul Consensus, we agree that any collective effort on the part of the G20 to support infrastructure development -
Infrastructure Action Plan
The MDB Action Plan reflects extensive analysis and collaboration among the multilateral development banks and follows on a background report on infrastructure issues in developing countries provided to the G20 in June 2011. -
Study on Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)
This report summarizes the findings of the Study of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), a programme dedicated to facilitating continental integration in Africa through improved regional infrastructure.
Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa
PIDA is structured in three phases of work in addition to Inception Phase -
Infrastructure have significant implications for achievement of sustainable development objectives in Africa -
Informal Public Transport
In many developing cities, informal public transport or paratransit or Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) -
AWF Annual Report 2010
The activities undertaken and results achieved by the African Water Facility in 2010. -
Background Note to the RECS briefings to Member States
For Africa to achieve its goals of greater integration and political stability, better cooperation and collaborative action is needed between the AU, RECs, partners, the UN system, and other international organizations.
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) has identified infrastructure as one of the major drivers for economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa. -
The purpose of this document is to seek approval for the African Water Facility (AWF) Work Plan and Administrative Expenses Budget for 2009 operations from the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank. -
Policy Toolkit for Sustainable Urban Transport
Creating an umbrella instrument to aid formulation of urban transport policies that would aid downstream planning of possible interventions and project preparation. -
Asian Infrastructure Financing Initiative
The Asian Infrastructure Financing Initiative (AIFI) is an operational cofinancing platform to pool financial resources from development partners within Asia and the Pacific region to support infrastructure development in a coordinated manner, together with the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) own investments in infrastructure. -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa
The study initially identified 67 so-called sources of PPF funding -
NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) Special Fund NEPAD-IPPF
The African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of the NEPAD Secretariat and the African Development Bank submitted a request to the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) in July 2009
Нuman resource development
Progress Report ILO, OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank
This report summarizes progress in each major deliverable of the Human Resource Development pillar as agreed in the Multiyear Action Plan and subsequent meetings of the G20 Development Working Group.
History has shown that openness to trade is a key ingredient for economic success and for improved living standards. -
The Aid-for-Trade Initiative has achieved a great deal since its launch in 2005. It has raised awareness about the positive role trade can play in economic growth and development
Development: African Union and Region
At its outset in 1963, member states of the Organization of African Unity agreed to coordinate and cooperate in order to improve the quality of life of their peoples. -
Regional Integration Strategy, Aid for Trade
Regional Integration at the Core of AfDB’s Mandate. Regional Integration has been part of the AfDB’s Chartersince its establishment in 1964. -
Overview of Developments in Regional Integration in Africa
In 2012, Africa’s projected growth rate of 6 per cent is expected to be driven by improved macroeconomic and political stability, an ongoing resource boom and a growing domestic consumer base. -
The past seven months have not witnessed any slowdown in the imposition of new trade restricting measures by G-20 economies.
Regional integration has been a longstanding goal of the African Development Bank, an ideal that featured prominently in the 1964 Agreement that established the institution. -
Least developeD countries SERIES
Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have liberalized trade unilaterally, bilaterally and regionally. -
Trade Facilitation in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area
Africa accounts for less that 2.5% of world trade and non-oil exports have been about 1% since 1992 - half of their 1980 value. -
UN LDC IV: Reforming Rules of Origin in Preference-Giving Countries
Rules of origin (RoO) confer an economic nationality on products in international trade and are a necessary and integral part of preferential trade regimes. -
AfT and the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness Busan
The Aid-for-Trade Initiative and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness were conceived at the same time. -
Impediments to Regional Trade Integration in Africa
The importance of regional integration as a means for supporting Africa’s economic development has long been recognized by African leaders. -
Transparency in Trade Brochure
The Transparency in Trade initiative (TNT) is a joint venture launched by the African Development Bank, the International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) -
Transparency in Trade Brochure 2
Data are available by various product classi cations and nomenclatures. It also allows users to calculate effects of tariff reductions by offering a simulation tool -
The 2011 monitoring report Aid for Trade at a Glance: Showing Results analyses a vast amount of unique information from a wide range of sources about what works in aid for trade, what does not work and where improvements are needed.
Changing Rules of Origin to Improve Market Access for Least Developed Countries
Developed countries are committed by the Millennium Development Goals, and under the World Trade Organization (WTO) communiqué issued at the Hong Kong ministerial in 2005, to provide duty-free, quota-free (DFQF) market access for least developed countries (LDCs). -
Workshop on Rules of Origin for WTO LDC Members
The LDC Group organised, with technical and financial support from Trade Mark Southern Africa, a workshop on preferential rules of Origin (RoO) from 13th – 14th September 2010. -
This study was conducted by the Department of Economic Affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC). -
Regional Integration is a core mandate of the Bank as reflected in its Medium Term Strategy (MTS), 2008-2012 and the Regional Integration Strategy (RIS), 2009-2012. -
The First Africa Region Review for EAC/COMESA
One of the major challenges in many African countries is low investment in infrastructure.
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) was established on 9 February 1991 through the collaborative efforts of the African Development Bank, the United Nations Development Program, The World Bank, bilateral donors and African governments. -
Handbook on Duty-Free Quota-Free and Rules of Origin
Least developed countries (LDCs) have been granted preferential tariff treatment in the markets of developed and developing countries under a number of schemes and arrangements -
Since the early years of Africa’s independence, the imperative of regional integration has been central to the political and economic vision of the continent’s leadership. -
Article 6(2) of the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community (AEC) which was signed in Abuja, Nigeria, on 03 June 1991 and entered into force in 1994 -
Regional Economic Communities in Africa A Progress Overview
In the context of globalization, regional integration is an imperative for Africa, in terms of enhanced competitiveness in global trading, prevention of conflicts and consolidation of economic and political reforms. -
Designing and Implementing Trade Facilitation
Trade facilitation has emerged as an important trade policy tool in an international environment characterized by falling import tariffs and removal of quotas.
private investment and job creation
Policy Note on Inclusive Business Policies
This paper introduces the concept of inclusive business policies, providing a framework to order and identify such policies. -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
Country Pilot Report Mozambique
The choice of the logistics value chain for this country pilot study, reflects both the importance of the value chain to the Mozambique economy -
G20 IAWG Indicators FinalRep
Subsequent to the presentation and approval of the “indicator framework”, UNCTAD tested the proposed methodology in six low-income countries across five sectors -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
An Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG), under the leadership of UNCTAD, was formed to support the G20 achieve this objective. -
Policy Note on Inclusive Business Policies
This paper introduces the concept of inclusive business policies, providing a framework to order and identify such policies.
Doing business in a more transparent world
Enabling private sector growth—and ensuring that poor people can participate in its benefi ts— requires a regulatory environment where new entrants with drive and good ideas -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group (IAWG) as phase two of the programme of work on “Indicators for measuring and maximizing economic value added and job creation from private investment in specific value chains.” -
Promoting responsible investment for sustainable development and job creation
Domestic and foreign private investment is a key source of employment, wealth creation and innovation. -
Policy Note on the Business Environment for Inclusive Business Models
The G20 Challenge on Inclusive Business Innovation sought to recognize businesses with innovative, scalable, replicable and commercially viable ways of reaching lowincome people in developing countries. -
G20 Inclusive Business Workshop 19-20 September 2012, Berlin
The first G20 Inclusive Business Workshop was held in Berlin on September 19 – 20 at the BMZ Office in Berlin and featured the award-winning businesses of the G20 Challenge on Inclusive Business Innovation. -
Progress Report ILO, OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank 3-5 May 2012
This report summarizes progress in each major deliverable of the Human Resource Development pillar as agreed in the Multiyear Action Plan and subsequent meetings of the G20 Development Working Group. -
Promoting responsible investment for sustainable development and job creation
Domestic and foreign private investment is a key source of employment, wealth creation and innovation. As such, private investment can contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries. -
G20 Mongolia Report FINAL
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group
Promoting standards for responsible investment in value chains”
Over the past two decades, the universe of sustainable business standards has expanded both in number and form. -
Indicators for measuring and maximizing economic value added and job creation arising from private sector investment in value chains
In November 2010 the G-20 leaders adopted the Seoul Summit Declaration and recognized “the critical role of the private sector to create jobs and wealth, and the need for a policy environment that supports sustainable private sector-led investment and growth.” -
Joining Forces against Corruption: G20 Business and Government
In November 2010 in Seoul, the G20 Heads of State and Government adopted an ambitious Anti-Corruption Action Plan that specifically calls for public-private partnerships for developing and implementing initiatives to fight corruption together. -
The Investment Climate Facility for Africa
ICF is the only pan-African body, explicitly and exclusively focused on improving the continent’s investment climate, based in Africa -
Investment liberalization and promotion remained the dominant element of recent investment policies. Nevertheless, the risk of investment protectionism has increased as restrictive investment measures and administrative procedures have accumulated over recent years.
The Millennium Development Goals: Reason for Hope, Call to Action
In a world of abundance, 854 million people suffer from hunger.1 Almost one billion people live on less than $1 a day. -
Business and the Millennium Development Goals. Your Call to Action.
In 2000, the heads of 189 states agreed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). -
Policy Note on the Business Environment for Inclusive Business Models
The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law.
food security
Multiplying Agriculture by the Power of Mobile
Over a billion people worldwide earn their living by working the land. -
G20 Mexico 2012 Agriculture Vice Ministers / Deputies Meeting REPORT
Under Mexico’s G20 Presidency, Vice Ministers/Deputies of Agriculture from the countries of the G20, and invited countries -
Position paper of ECOWAS and UEMOA and their technical branch CILSS for the planning and implementation of AGIR
West African states have adopted regional policies and investment programmes on the prevention and management of food and nutritional crises, as well as instruments to implement them. Moreover -
Given the shortcomings of the existing information facilities and with the introduction of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Agricultural Policy and the CAADP -
Principles for responsible agricultural investment (RAI)
Risks of large-scale land acquisition where local land rights are not clearly defined and governance is weak -
Enhancing Food Security & Addressing Commodity Price Volatility
Despite a reduction in the number of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, we are still living in a world where 925 million people do not have enough to eat and 98 percent of them live in developing countries (FAO). -
The Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2)
GCARD 2012 provides opportunity for all sectors and regions to report their activities since 2010 and to agree collective actions and next steps in implementation of the GCARD Roadmap and the CGIAR Strategy & Results Framework. -
Delivering the Change Together – Reflections on GCARD2
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research provides the open forum for all sectors involved in agricultural research for development. Through the cycle of GCARD processes initiated in 2010, GFAR works as a catalyst for action and a catalyst for change. -
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its Thirty-eighth (Special) Session on 11 May 2012 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. -
The Special Rapporteur on the right to food welcomes the significant inter-sessional work carried out since the 37th session of the CFS in October 2011. -
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its Thirty-ninth Session from 15 to 20 October 2012 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. -
UN CFS Investments in Agribusiness
Recent increases in the prices of agricultural commodities have been instrumental in spurring a surge of private investment in farming and agribusiness. -
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
The purpose of these Voluntary Guidelines is to serve as a reference and to provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land -
The State of Food Insecurity in the World
The 2012 edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World focuses on the importance of economic growth in overcoming poverty, hunger and malnutrition. -
FAO HLPE Report Social protection for food security
As part of the reform of the World Committee on Food Security (CFS), the High-level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) was established in 2010 -
UN ECOSOC Joint Meeting of Food Security and Scaling up Nutrition
Recent natural emergencies in the United States, India, Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have devastated crops and contributed to a recent spike in food prices. -
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy
In the last two years around 30 countries and hundreds of stakeholders have come together to change the world so that every woman and child is adequately nourished. -
UN SUN Movement Secretariat Roadmap
The SUN Movement was launched in 2010. A Framework for Scaling Up Nutrition was launched at the spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF in April 2010 -
UN WFP Fighting Hunger Factsheet
Drought has returned to the Sahel region of West Africa following an erratic and late 2011 rainy season, bringing hunger to millions for the third time in seven years. -
UN WFP Nutrition Factsheet
Food and nutrition support is essential for keeping people living with HIV healthy longer and for improving the effectiveness of treatment. -
UN WFP Nutrition in Asia
There are more malnourished children in Asia than on any other continent. -
UN WFP School Meals_Brief
No child should attend school hungry. This is the goal WFP has set itself for 2015. WFP is working with its government partners, NGOs and donors to achieve this goal. -
Food and Nutrition Security for All through Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Ending hunger and malnutrition is an essential part of sustainable development. It is a goal that can be achieved. -
Food Security Open Data Challenge: An Overview
The Food Security Open Data Challenge is a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) led effort to convene food security experts, data scientists, technologists, and other development professionals -
G20 AgResults Initiative PolicyPaper
At the 2012 G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, a new initiative was launched to har-ness private sector creativity to enhance food security and agricultural development in the world’s poorest countries. -
AgResults Innovation in Research and Delivery Draft concept note
In 2010, 925 million people worldwide experienced chronic hunger2. Growing and urbanising populations are demanding higher-protein foods, placing ever greater pressure on agricultural land. -
KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AgResults: Innovation in Research and Delivery
AgResults is a new multilateral initiative addressing the need for increased investment in global food security and agriculture, in particular from the private sector. -
AgResults: Innovation in Research and Delivery Secretariat Procurement: Questions and Answers
Technological innovation is one of the main focuses of AgResults because pull mechanism incentives are likely to be effective in promoting technologies that lead to improved food security. -
The Governments of Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are seeking an organization to be the Secretariat of the AgResults Initiative -
Agricultural Pull Mechanism (AGPM) Initiative
The EAG agreed that all proposals submitted for consideration to the thematic groups should address the following overarching objective -
WB GAFSP Annual Report
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) is a transformational approach to aid that was launched by a group of innovative donors at the request of the G20 in April 2010. -
Program Background and Highlights: In response to the global food crisis in 2008 the G8++ launched the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) -
Putting the New Vision for Agriculture into Action: A Transformation Is Happening
In the coming decades, a growing and increasingly affluent global population will demand a greater quantity, variety and nutritional value of food than the world has ever produced before. -
Global agriculture will face multiple challenges over the coming decades. -
Highlights of the food security situation in Africa
The food security situation on the continent in the first semester of 2012 was overshadowed by a looming food and humanitarian crisis in the Sahel due to drought. -
Ag Aid and Tech Breakthroughs
With the growth in annual yields for key staple crops falling and global population projected to add another two to three billion mouths to feed by 2050 -
Report on L'Aquila Food Security Initiative
Since 1975, the Group of Eight (G-8) has met to discuss and take decisive action on pressing global challenges. -
NEPAD/AU declaration on promoting agricultural growth in an unstable context
Resilience has become the new paradigm for dealing with food crises within international agencies.
WFP Women and WFP
Experience has shown that in the hands of women, food is most likely to reach the mouths of children in need. -
Price Volatility in Food and Agricultural Markets: Policy Responses
G20 leaders at their summit meeting in November 2010 requested FAO, IFAD, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WFP, the World Bank and the WTO (to) work with key stakeholders -
UN CFS 2011 37 Final Report
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its Thirty-seventh Session from 17 to 22 October 2011 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. The Session was attended by delegates from 114 Members of the Committee; by participants from -
UN CFS 2011 37 Roandtable Methods to Estimate Hunger
Following a request of the 36th session of the Committee on Food Security, a Roundtable was held to review and discuss methods for “measuring hunger”. -
UN CFS 2011 Consultations on PRAI
Keep track of the ongoing (CFS and non-CFS) developments, processes and initiatives related to responsible agricultural investment which will serve as input for the broad consultation within the context of CFS -
The Nations accepting this Constitution, being determined to promote the common welfare by furthering separate and collective action on their part for the purpose of: -
The FAO indicator of the prevalence of undernourishment
The quote above is from a recent “review of hunger indices and methods to monitor country commitment to fighting hunger” (Masset, 2010). -
This edition of The State of Food and Agriculture addresses Women in agriculture: closing the gender gap for development. -
WFP Year in Review
Natural catastrophes and political upheaval defined 2011, as parts of East Africa and South Asia buckled under the worst climate disasters in decades and unprecedented anti-government protests in the Arab world deepened poverty and sparked massive human migrations. -
Concept Paper Prepared by Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, CGIAR, FAO, GFAR and the WB.
The G20 Seoul communiqué and Action Plan on Development, in its pillar on Food Security, endorsed the five “Rome principles” of the 2009 World Food Summit on Food Security and underscored the need to enhance policy coherence and coordination within the existing agricultural research systems. -
We, the G20 Agriculture Ministers, meet today to address the issue of food price volatility with the ultimate objective to improve food security and agree on an “Action Plan on food price volatility and agriculture” that will be submitted to our Leaders at their Summit in November 2011. -
G20 Food prices volatility
G20 of Pittsburgh: Leaders agreed to “improve the regulation, functioning and transparency of financial and commodity markets to address excessive commodity price volatility” -
This report was prepared by the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) that was formed to support the G20 High-level Development Working Group with respect to the Food Security Pillar (“Pillar 5”) of the Multi-Year Action Plan on Development. -
IFAD 2011 Annual Report
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) works with poor rural people to enable them to grow and sell more food, increase their incomes and determine the direction of their own lives. -
IFAD 2011 Strategic Framework 2011-2015
The IFAD Strategi c Fram ework 2 011-2015 wa s prepared by the Office of Strategy and Kn owledge Management (SKM) under the guidance of Henock Ki fle, Ch ief Develop ment Strategist, an d Kevin Clea ver, Associate Vice-Presid ent, Programmes. -
FAO 2011 TAP Presentation
Tropical Agriculture Platform Transforming agricultural capacities through partnership -
FAO G20-TAP Proposal
Tropical Agriculture Platform: a proposal to promote and ensure the impact of partnerships for food security -
Concept Paper Tropical Agriculture Platform
Agriculture in the tropics is not only a means for food security, but also known to be a critical driver of economic growth, especially in the early stages of economic development. -
The Declaration of the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting held in Paris, France in June 2011 stated “We welcome the ongoing work by FAO and interested G20 members to develop a platform for capacity building in tropical agriculture in developing countries”. -
UNCTAD Emergency Food Reserves Fund
The food price crisis of the last five years has drawn new attention to the problems of food supply in poor countries as well as the hollowness of previous advice to them to rely on world markets for any gaps in supply. -
UNCTAD Food Security in Developing Countries
Global warming has the potential to damage irreversibly the natural resource base on which agriculture depends, with grave consequences for food security. -
WFP Africa_Figures
WFP assists African governments and communities to implement comprehensive, country-led, hunger solution programmes. -
Mutual Accountability Framework for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
CAADP is the Africa-owned plan for agriculture-led development in Africa to eliminate hunger and reduce food insecurity. -
CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework
The Funders Forum of July 2010 discussed the Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) presented by the Consortium Board (CB) on behalf of the CGIAR Centers. -
IFPRI Global Food Policy Report
Since 2007, two rounds of food price hikes have contributed to millions of people being hungry or malnourished. -
Joint Multilateral Development Banks’ Action Plan for Improving Coordination on Food and Water Security
At a meeting in Washington, DC on 10 October 2010, the heads of the multilateral development banks (MDBs), under the chairmanship of President Mirow of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), discussed outstanding global issues, including food and water security, and established the MDB working group on food and water security to improve coordination. -
The 1,000 days between pregnancy and age two offer a critical window of opportunity to establish a lasting foundation for health through adequate nutrition. -
The food price rise of 2007-2008, coupled with financial, environmental and energy crises, exposed weaknesses and vulnerabilities in food and energy governance systems. -
WEF NVA Initiative Overview
Over the past two years, food security and economic crises have highlighted both the urgent need and the potential for developing sustainable agricultural systems.
Highlighting the success
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is, in many ways, unique in Africa. Never have development strategies been so transformed and so focused as they have become in the eight years of CAADP's existence. -
Accelerating CAADP Country Implementation
The overall purpose of this guide is to strengthen the quality of CAADP implementation at the country level. This guide is designed for all those – newcomers and veterans – involved in supporting and managing the CAADP process. -
Implementing CAADP for Africa’s Food Security needs: A progress report on selected activities
This note is prepared as a brief on the NEPAD Agency’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) - and in preparation - for the July 2010 Africa Union Heads of States Summit. In 2009, NEPAD stepped up interaction with the CAADP Country roundtable processes. -
Achieving food security and poverty alleviation in Africa is just as much in the interest of global food security, stability, development and growth. -
Thirty-sixth Session Rome, 11-14 and 16 October 2010
The Committee on World Food Security held its Thirty-sixth Session from 11 to 14 and 16 October 2010 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. -
Transforming Agricultural Research for Development Systems for Global Impact
The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) is organized by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), in association with the reform process of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). -
Scaling Up Nutrition A Framework For Action
In January 2008 The Lancet—one of the world’s most highly respected medical journals— issued a special five-part series on nutrition. -
The millions of our world’s people who have experienced under-nutrition early in life face many challenges as they grow up. -
UN SCN 2012 Endorsements to SUN Framework
Formal endorsements to the SUN Framework and contributing partners by 20/August/2010 -
Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respects Rights, Livelihoods and Resources
Many studies show that investment to increase productivity of owner-operated smallholder agriculture has a very large impact on growth and poverty reduction. -
Fighting Hunger Worldwide
Just as the number of hungry people worldwide grew to more than 1 billion – the highest number on record – we also faced shrinking humanitarian safe space to reach people, with unprecedented attacks on WFP staff and other humanitarian workers. -
Enabling people to adapt for the future
Scientific research indicates that climate change will dramatically increase the number of people at risk of hunger and malnutrition, especially in regions and communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America that are already exposed and very vulnerable to food insecurity. -
FIGHTING HUNGER WORLDWIDE The World Food Programme’s Year in Review, 2010
Disasters on a lesser scale punctuated the rest of the year, not least in the eastern regions of Africa’s arid Sahel. -
Feeding an additional three billion people over the next four decades, along with providing food security for another one billion people that are currently hungry or malnourished, is a huge challenge. -
Forum on Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM)
There has been a surge of interest in new market-based and traditional risk management instruments and approaches in recent years. -
Realizing a New Vision for Agriculture: A roadmap for stakeholders
The World Economic Forum is pleased to present this roadmap for realizing a New Vision for Agriculture, which is the outcome of an 18-month process that engaged global and regional stakeholders around the world.
Climate change will affect all four dimensions of food security: food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food systems stability. -
LAquila Food Security Initiative (AFSI)
We, Heads of State, Government and International and Regional Organizations convened in L’Aquila, remain deeply concerned about global food security -
Global food security under climate change
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines food security as a ‘‘situation that exists when all people -
WFP Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan (2008–2013) lays out a framework for potential action for WFP. -
Managing Food Price Risks and Instability in an Environment of Market Liberalization
This report was prepared by Derek Byerlee, formerly Agricultural and Rural Development Department of the World Bank, and Bob Myers and Thom Jayne, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University. -
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) is proposed as a multilateral mechanism to assist in the implementation of pledges made at L’Aquila in July 2009 -
WSFS Rome Declaration on Food Security
We, the Heads of State and Government, or our Representatives and the Representative of the European Community have assembled in Rome at the World Summit on Food Security to take urgent action to eradicate hunger from the world.
growth with resilience
This note reviews the latest available data on youth employment in G20 countries. -
Quality apprenticeships based on robust social dialogue and public-private partnerships help young people overcome the work-inexperience trap that blocks their transition from education to employment. -
EU Social protection Development
The Lisbon Treaty commits the EU to contribute to eradicating poverty worldwide. -
WB GRWG Global Remittance Efforts
The Global Effort in the Remittances Arena. Mid-term review of the 5x5 Objective -
WB PSDG RemittancePrice Trend-Analysis
The Remittance Prices Worldwide (RPW) database monitors remittance prices across all geographic regions of the world. -
Towards Assessment-based National Policy
Tools for comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of national social protection systems: from mapping to simulation of future costs & impacts of policy reforms -
ILO Recommendation Social Protection
The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office -
SPIAC Presentation
*SPARC(S)*-ing the Agenda on Social Protection Systems -
SPIAC-B 2nd Meeting Report
The second meeting of the Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation took place on 29 October 2012 in Hyderabad, India. -
GFSP Execsummary
Health care, unemployment insurance, food aid, disability benefits: all of these services aim to ensure the right to an adequate standard of living for everyone, often referred to as the social safety net. -
UN DSPD Presentation SPF-I
We commit ourselves to… reducing poverty… and…to ensure that all people have adequate economic and social protection during unemployment, ill health, maternity, child rearing, widowhood, disability and old age -
WB Social Protection Srategy
Effective social protection and labor (SPL) policies occupy center stage, as never before. -
UNDP 2011-2012 Annual Report
Early in 2011, the UN Secretary-General outlined a five-year action plan to build “the future we want,” one that is safer, more secure, more sustainable and more equitable. -
UNGP Big Data for Development
This paper was developed by UN Global Pulse, an initiative based in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations.
Inclusive and resilient development: the role of social protection
Social protection is central to development. This becomes especially evident during periods of crisis, when large numbers of people are affected by shocks. -
ILO SPF-Social Protection Floor for Globalization
ILO basic social protection costing models and policy implications. ODI International Conference on Financing Social Protection in LICs: Finding the Common Ground London, 26-27 May 2011 -
ILO SPF-Social Protection Floor for Globalization
The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, in his message on the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice, 20 February 2011 -
UNDP Annual Report Russian
UNDP - is a solutions-oriented, knowledge-based organization that supports countries in solving their own problems in the development of -
UNDP ART Annual Report
T he UNDP launched the ART Global Initiative in 2005, as part of its commitment to support countries in their efforts to accelerate progress on the MDGs -
UNDP Human Development Report
This Report explores the integral links between environmental sustainability and equity and shows that these are critical to expanding human freedoms for people today and in generations to come. -
UNDP MDG Progress
The recent global economic crisis has reinforced significant concerns about the impact of financial and economic shocks in an integrated world economy. -
National Human Development Report for the Russian Federation
The Introduction considers the meaning of modernization and the possible types of modernization, which emerge at various stages of social development. -
AIR Project – Updates from the World Bank Payment Systems Development Group
The Payment System Development Group is at the center of an international network, whose main objective is supporting countries to reform Payments -
WB PSDG Reducing Remittance Costs
Remittance systems are still characterized by cash transactions, inefficient manual processes, fragmentation of the delivery chains, and poor compliance. -
WB PSDG Remittance Prices Worldwide Analysis
The Remittance Prices Worldwide (RPW) database monitors remittance prices across all geographic regions of the world. -
WB PSGD Presentation International Remittances
We (G-20) recognize the importance of facilitating international remittance flows and enhancing their efficiency to increase their contribution to growth with resilience and poverty reduction. -
WB Remittance Flows Outlook 2011-2013
Officially recorded remittances sent to developing countries reached $325 billion, registering a quick recovery to the level in 2008. -
WB Remittance Flows Outlook 2012-214
Officially recorded remittance flows to developing countries are estimated to have reached $351 billion in 2011, up 8 percent over 2010.
IA UNDP Presentation MDG Assessment
What will it take to achieve the MDGs?An International Assessment -
UNDP Report Assessment MDG
Based on a review of 50 country studies, this Assessment $nds that the resources and know-how necessary to achieve the MDGs exist. -
UNDP Annual Report
With activities in more than 160 countries UNDP is active across the developing world supporting countries to meet their development goals. -
The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development
The Human Development Report is the product of a collective effort under the guidance of the Director, with research, statistics, communications and production staff -
National Human Development Report in the Russian Federation
The authors express their gratitude to the management and employees of the Department of International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation -
G20 Leaders Conclusions on Migration
In the past, G8 leaders have focused efforts to support necessary migration with advocacy, assistance, asylum, capacity building, emergency response, fundraising, global needs assessments and overall protection. -
SPF Assessment Methodology
Rapid SPF country assessments & SPF national dialogues
WB General Principles for Int Remittance Services
The flow of funds from migrant workers back to their families in their home country is an important source of income in many developing economies.
financial inclusion
GPFI Issues Paper 1 Standard-Setting Body Engagement on Financial Inclusion
Together, the normative standards and advisory guidance of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) -
GPFI Issues Paper 3 FI – A Pathway to Financial Stability
International standard-‐setting bodies (SSBs) and national policy makers – including financial regulators – pursue the core objectives of financial stability, financial integrity and financial consumer protection. -
G20 GPFI Basic Set of FI Indicators
Better financial inclusion data is critical to inform financial inclusion policy making and advance financial inclusion at global and national levels. -
G20 Finance Ministers Communique
We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met to assess progress on the fulfillment of the mandates given to us by our Leaders -
G20 Financial Inclusion Factsheets
Around the world, 2.7 billion adults still do not have access to basic financial products such as savings accounts, loans, insurance, payments systems, pension plans and remittance facilities. -
IMF Staff Note to G20
Recent policy actions have led to some easing in financial stress and economic conditions may be stabilizing. -
D-8 Central Banks Governors Communique
We, the Governors of Central Banks of Developing Eight (D-8) Countries, held our second meeting in Islamabad, Pakistan on November 21, 2012 -
WB DWG Survey Bank Competition
The impact of bank competition on financial markets and firms is an important topic for policymakers and researchers alike. -
Financial Inclusion Strategies Reference Framework
Financial inclusion is emerging as a priority for policymakers and regulators in financial sector development
AFI Network Commitment to FI
Maya Declaration. The AFI network commitment to financial inclusion -
AFI Maya Declaration on FI
Maya Declaration on Financial Inclusion. Alliance for Financial Inclusion -
Perspectives and Suggestions from Developing Countries of the Commonwealth and Francophonie
The Commonwealth and Francophonie, two associations representing more than 100 countries and 2.5 billion people, welcome the G20 focus on financial inclusion as it will assist association countries to strengthen financial inclusion. -
G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion
Despite advances in financial inclusion across the globe, more than 2.5 billion people worldwide remain excluded from access to financial services. -
GPFI Report to G20
Billions of individuals and millions of SMEs throughout the world crucially lack access to financial services. -
This report was produced on behalf of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) -
GPFI WB IFCAccess to Finance for Women
At the G-20 Seoul Summit in November 2010, the leaders of the 20 member countries endorsed the “Financial Inclusion Action Plan”
ATISG Innovative Financial Inclusion
Principles and Report on Innovative Financial Inclusion from the Access through Innovation Sub-Group of the G20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group -
G20 FIEG Principles_Report FI
At the Pittsburgh Summit in September 2009, G20 Leaders committed to improving access to financial services for poor people -
G20 FIEG Stocktaking Report
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is the lead technical advisor to the G-20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group’s (FIEG) SME Finance Sub-Group. -
G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan
More than two billion adults continue to lack access to financial services and the millions of micro-, smalland medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) face difficulties in accessing finance. -
G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion
Innovative financial inclusion means improving access to financial services for poor people through the safe and sound spread of new approaches.
domestic resource mobilization
IMF Training Catalog
The IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (Institute) organizes the training courses described in this catalog and delivers much of the training itself. Together with the regional training centers, it also administers the courses delivered at the IMF’s training centers by other IMF departments.
IMF Training Catalog
The International Monetary Fund pursues its goal of promoting international monetary and financial stability through three key means: surveillance and policy advice to our member countries; financial support for members’ economic programs; and technical assistance to build robust economic institutions. -
EC Presentation DRM Work 2012-2013
Specific focus on Domestic Revenue Mobilization: -Crucial to financing development policies and promoting; -MDGs, fiscal stability and sustainable growth; -Central for state building, fostering citizenship and domestic accountability; -Provides sustainable and more predictable public funds and reduces aid dependency; -Part of the eligibility criteria Macroeconomics and Public Finance; part of political dialogue; -
IMF Draft Revision Government Finance Statistics
The primary purpose of the GFS Manual is to provide a comprehensive conceptual and reporting framework suitable for analyzing and evaluating fiscal policy, especially the performance of the general government sector and the broader public sector of any country. -
IMF Annual Report
The global economy experienced a period of tentative stability in the first quarter of 2012 after a major setback in late 2011, but the recovery remained fragile as FY2012 drew to a close. -
IMF Factsheet Debt Relief HIPC Initiative
Countries receiving debt relief. Of the 39 countries eligible or potentially eligible for HIPC Initiative assistance, 34 are receiving full debt relief from the IMF and other creditors after reaching their completion points. -
IMF Financial Surveillance Strategy
The Fund’s response to these challenges is proceeding along three strands: innovations in analysis, adaptations of the IMF’s instruments and products, and engagement with stakeholders. -
IMF Global Financial Stability Report
The Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) assesses key risks facing the global financial system. In normal times, the report seeks to play a role in preventing crises by highlighting policies that may mitigate systemic risks, thereby contributing to global financial stability and the sustained economic growth of the IMF’s member countries. -
IMF Report to G20 Tax and Development
“Focuses on how the G‐20 can contribute to strengthening the enabling environment in which tax systems can be developed is not a comprehensive plan for how tax can be used to promote development sets out how the G‐20 can show leadership and provide political support to ongoing initiatives and identifies areas which need to be reinforced” -
IMF to G20 Global Prospects and Policy
Recent stabilization comes on the heels of further monetary policy easing and other supportive actions. Unconventional monetary policy has been at the heart of the policy response in advanced economies, while emerging markets have also eased considerably. -
IMF FSB Progress Report on G20 Data Gaps Initiative
The implementation process of the DGI involves broad consultation with national authorities on their views on action plans, modalities, timelines, and challenges to enhance existing datasets and implement new ones. -
ITC News and Developments
The key conference topics included: principles of taxation, natural resource taxation, corporate taxation, evaluation of excise in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), evaluation of excise tax and tariff systems, tax coordination, and the illicit trade in tobacco. -
WB MSME Tax Simplification
Businesses stay out of the formal economy and can get a ―free-ride. Government is not reaching revenue potential. -
WB World Development Indicators ebook
World Development Indicators 2012 is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about development and the quality of people’s lives. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Chapter 1
A significant volume of global trade nowadays consists of international transfers of goods and services, capital (such as money) and intangibles (such as intellectual property) within an MNE group; such transfers are called “intra‐group” transactions. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Chapter 4
An essential first step in improving cooperation is to review and clarify exactly what each agency’s responsibilities and functions are and the mechanisms for contact and coordination. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Foreword
In offering practical guidance to policy makers and administrators on the application of the arm’s length principle, the Manual does not seek to be prescriptive. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Secretary Note to Manual TP-capacity-building
This report describes the technical assistance and capacity building resources available to developing countries in the area of transfer pricing. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Summary
The Subcommittee on Transfer Pricing – Practical Issues ("the Subcommittee") was mandated to: "develop a practical manual on transfer pricing, based on the following principles...." -
Press release LA Tax Revenues
Revenue Statistics in Latin America aims to provide internationally comparable data on tax levels and tax structures for a selection of Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. -
ADB Project Data Tax Administration Asia
Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program: Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. -
E&Y Global-TP-Tax-Authority-Survey
Taxpayers should recognize that they need more resources with increased geographic reach and some non-traditional skills. For example, experience with bargaining theory would help to deal with what the OECD calls “options realistically available.” -
PFTAC Meeting Materials
For the first year of Phase IV PFTAC has operated at a scale below that envisaged in the program document. Phase IV is now fully financed and scaling up can begin. -
PwC Tax-Transparency Country by Country Reporting
The contributions made by business to the public finances of a country are essential to enable governments to fulfil their obligations to promote economic and social development. -
USCIB Comments on Transfer Pricing Needs Assessment
The USCIB appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the Transfer Pricing Needs Assessment Tool recently presented at the third plenary meeting of the Task Force on Tax and Development. -
OECD BEPS Background Brief
The debate over Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) has also reached the political level and has become a very important issue on the agenda of several OECD and non-OECD countries. The G20 Leaders meeting in Mexico on 18-19 June 2012 explicitly referred to “the need to prevent base erosion and profit shifting” in their final declaration. -
OECD Challenges of Transfer Pricing
National revenue bodies face a varied environment within which to administer their taxation system. Jurisdictions differ in respect of their policy, legislative environment, their administrative practices and culture. -
OECD Contributions to the G20
As a member of the G20 Framework Working Group, the OECD has been supporting G20 country-led efforts by providing evidence based policy analysis on the impacts of structural reform options. The OECD-hosted Task Force on FCP was instrumental in developing the High-level Principles on FCP, jointly with the Financial Stability Board. -
OECD Impact of Global Relations Programme
The Global Relations Programme (GRP) is the CFA’s primary instrument to support the integration of non-OECD economies into the global economy. OECD has become one of the most important international organizations who cooperate with China’s State Administration of Taxation SAT. -
OECD Principles for International Engagement
Taxation provides governments with funds for development. The international development community is gearing up support to developing countries for domestic resource mobilisation and taxation. -
OECD Principles on Development Cooperation
Achieving development progress requires effective governance and institutions that can deliver. Evidence suggests that institutions that are held to account for results by citizens or other state institutions perform better in delivering services. -
OECD Progress Report Tax Standard
OECD Transparency Benefits PublicRegistration
The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines require testing of a controlled transaction (a transaction between associated enterprises) for conformity with the arm’s length principle by setting it against comparable uncontrolled transactions. -
OECD CTPA Multi-Country Analysis of TP Simplification Measures
The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (“TPG”) provide internationally accepted guidance on the application of the arm‟s length principle set out in Article 9 of the OECD and UN Model Tax Conventions. -
OECD Progress Report on EOI Guide
Limited use of EOI requests due to lack of awareness about EOI among tax auditors or reluctance to make requests (perception that responses take too long). -
The automatic exchange of information is understood to involve the systematic and periodic transmission of “bulk” taxpayer information by the source country to the residence country concerning various categories of income (e.g. dividends, interest, royalties, salaries, pensions, etc.). -
OECD ATAF Guide on EOI for DC
Developing countries are presently expanding their network of EOI instruments (negotiating DTCs with new countries, Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) and new regional tax agreements such as the ATAF Multilateral Mutual Assistance Treaty. -
OECD TFTD Presentation Overview
Objective is to create an enhanced enabling environment to assist developing countries collect taxes effectively and fairly. -
OECD GF5 Information
The Global Forum is mandated to ensure that all jurisdictions adhere to the same high standard of international cooperation in tax matters. International cooperation in tax matters is crucial to ensuring the administration and enforcement of countries’ tax laws as cross border tax evasion becomes easier with the liberalization of financial markets. -
OECD GF5 Statement of Outcomes
The Global Forum was pleased to note the interest shown by a range of jurisdictions in signing the multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, making it a key instrument for the exchange of tax information to the international standard. -
OECD GF Report Tax Transparency
Following the Mexico meeting, the Global Forum acted swiftly to adopt a Schedule of Reviews, a Methodology to conduct the peer review along with the necessary framework, the Terms of Reference and a Note on Assessment Criteria need to underpin the reviews. -
OECD Flyer MAC in Tax Matters
The Convention lists reservations which States may make regarding the taxes covered (e.g. local taxes) and the type of assistance to be provided (e.g. assistance in collection). Certain forms of co-operation such as automatic exchange of information and tax examinations abroad require the previous consent of the relevant Parties -
OECD TFTD Meeting Statement
State building and capacity development are core to the development agenda and the Task Force advanced a set of international engagement principles to improve the quality and coherence of international support in tax matters, which should be used to monitor performance. -
OECD TFTD Principles Supporting DevCountries in Tax Matters
Taxation provides governments with the funds needed to invest in development, relieve poverty and deliver public services directed toward the physical and social infrastructure required to enhance long term growth.
IMF Recent Developments and Initiatives
The Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG), which the IMF chairs, is the main coordinating body for the G-20 data gaps initiative. The work has benefited from consultations and coordination among the members of the IAG and is well documented in the progress report submitted to the G-20 ministers of finance and central bank governors in June 2011 -
IMF Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries
Strengthening revenue mobilization in developing countries has long been a central concern of the Fund, and its advice has been highly influential. In its program, surveillance and—the main perspective here—technical assistance (TA) work, the Fund has for many years supported developing countries’ efforts to build more effective and fairer tax systems. -
IMF Assessing-Tax-Performance
Internal tracking of a tax agency’s performance is an important management practice, but what does it tell us about the agency’s effectiveness vis-‐à-‐vis comparable tax administrations in other countries? -
WB Global Tax Simplification Program
Ongoing loss of revenue every year for many countries. This revenue is sent abroad / offshore. Critical issue especially for developing countries. Current low revenue resources are even more reduced. -
WB IamTaxSummary
Despite some isolated efforts, a comprehensive model for assessing tax administration performance is not available to international organizations, regional networks, cooperation agencies and donors providing technical assistance for tax administration reforms. -
IMF Review of AML CFT Program
The Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) program has significantly contributed to the international community’s response to money laundering and the financing of terrorism. -
EC Transfer-pricing and DC PwC Study
The assessment of MNE activity in the selected countries is an important step in the analysis for the need for TP reform. It not only allows conclusions to be drawn with regard to the relevance of TP and, hence, the potential impact on tax collections of investing in TP reform, it also highlights specific economic sectors that should potentially receive special attention when TP legislation is drafted. -
EC Accounting Directive Proposal
The Accounting Directives1 (hereafter the "Directives") deal with the annual and consolidated financial statements of limited liability companies in Europe. The Commission Services have maintained a regular dialogue with stakeholders throughout the Review. -
ITC News and Developments
The “UN Tax Committee” held its 7th Annual Session in Geneva in October 2011. A key issue during the session was to complete the update of the “UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries” as a new version of the framework is to be finalised and published by early 2012. -
ITC Study Supporting-Tax-Systems
The International Tax Compact (ITC) is an international initiative to fight against tax evasion and inappropriate tax practices in developing countries. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has launched the initiative and commissioned GIZ and KfW to support the implementation. -
WB Business Tax Simplification
Development and Growth Goals: create a “culture of taxation”; regularization of the rule of law; to increase the size of the formal sector; to promote growth -
WB CATT Presentation
An integrated monitoring tool for measuring Customs performance over time. All data is objectively verifiable and comparable across countries and across time periods. -
UN RPTC Progress Report 2010-2011
The overwhelming majority of the United Nations system’s operational activities for development are funded by voluntary contributions from Governments. -
UN Model Tax Convention
In most cases the costs and benefits of globalization are contextual, i.e. costs and benefits vary as conditions vary. -
UNESCO World-development-report
Drug and human traffi cking, money laundering, illegal exploitation of natural resources and wildlife, counterfeiting, and violations of intellectual property rights are lucrative criminal activities, which facilitate the penetration by organized crime of the already vulnerable sociopolitical, judicial, and security structures in developing countries. -
UN TP-Report Informal Meeting
Transfer pricing is complex and difficult but not “unenforceable” and is a very important part of the tax environment. -
Joint Report to G20 Tax Systems
Taxation provides governments with the funds needed to invest in development, relieve poverty and deliver public services. The Doha Declaration confirms the need to step up efforts to enhance tax collection, investment and other private flows, with a view to supporting pro-poor development. -
ActionAid Policy-Briefing DRM-and-G20
Increased support for capacity building (particularly on transfer pricing) which should be coordinated through the G20, allowing developing countries sufficient flexibility to apply rules suited to their own needs. -
EuroDaD Report FinTransparency by MNCs
Tax is necessary for a state to raise predictable revenues, redistribute income and provide infrastructure and basic services such as health and education to its citizens. Taxation also strengthens democracy and government’s accountability to its citizens. -
G20 Support to EITI
The increasing support from the G20 is important for the EITI It consolidates its status as a global standard for resource revenue transparency. -
HMRC Report International Tax Benchmarking
This report presents the findings of a benchmarking collaboration between HMRC and the tax authorities of Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Ireland, Poland, Spain and South Africa. -
PEFA TaxAdminFeasibilityStudy
While the PEFA tax administration indicators are likely the most widely used (given they are part of the widely-accepted PEFA framework), they clearly present many difficulties in terms of a comprehensive tool for assessing tax administration. -
UK Governance-for-growth
Three years on from the first G20 Leaders’ meeting, we meet at an anxious time for the global economy. We face profound difficulties – unprecedented in our lifetimes – which have cast a pall over the advanced and emerging economies alike... -
OECD Evaluation of Paris Declaration Phase2
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness poses an important challenge both to the world of development cooperation in general and to the field of development evaluation. -
OECD Tax Reform Trends
In recent years there has tended to be more emphasis on ‘making work pay’ for low-income earners. Thus one driver of tax reform has been a desire to reduce disincentives for households to enter the labour market and once in the labour market to increase their work efforts. -
OECD CTPA Forum onTax Administration Guidance
This report is a unique and comprehensive survey of tax administration systems and practices across 34 OECD and 15 selected non-OECD countries. -
OECD CTPA Tax Administration in OECD and non-OECD
This information series, prepared by the OECD‘s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) for the Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), provides internationally comparative data on aspects of tax systems and their administration in OECD and selected non-OECD countries. -
OECD GF2 Statement of Outcomes
The Global Forum noted that many multilateral instruments, including regional agreements, could be brought up to the standard and used to facilitate exchange information and has initiated work in this area. -
OECD GF4 Statement of Outcomes
Responding to a call from the G20 Development Working Group, the Global Forum will serve as a platform to facilitate co-ordination of assistance to support the effectiveness of information exchange provided to its members, in particular to developing jurisdictions. -
OECD GF Report Tax Transparency
The new Global Forum, with all members on an equal footing, has been working at an amazing speed to ensure a high level of transparency and tax cooperation in accordance with the internationally agreed standard on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. -
OECD MAC in Tax Matters
Established by the Depositaries the 1st day of June 2011 pursuant to Article X.4 of the Protocol amending the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in two copies of which one shall be deposited in the archives of each Depositary. -
OECD TFTD PrepNote FinDataReporting
The OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs and Development Assistance Committee decided on 27th January 2010 to set up an informal Task Force on Tax and Development (“Task Force”) to provide a platform for a Tax and Development programme which should combine the efforts of key stakeholders in an integrated approach towards the role taxation plays in building capacity to achieve sustainable growth, tackle poverty, combat corruption, attract direct investment and develop transparent financial systems.
IMF Stability Assessments
Integration of financial sector issues into bilateral surveillance has been a long-standing challenge. Financial stability is a key component of the domestic and external stability of members and is important for the promotion of the “stable system of exchange rates” envisaged under Article IV. -
IMF Financial Sector Surveillance
Financial sector issues and policies are central to the Fund’s surveillance mission, as the recent crisis has amply demonstrated, and the institution has placed a high priority on enhancing the coverage and depth of analysis of financial sector issues in surveillance. Achieving this goal requires far-reaching operational and resource adjustments, which are already underway. -
IMF Tax Policy Administration (TTF)
An effective tax system is a core function of an effective state. Beyond its obvious role in generating revenue needed for providing essential public services and public goods, it is generally agreed that a well designed and properly administered tax system contributes far more broadly than its contribution of revenue alone. -
WB SME Taxpayers Management
Special characteristics of SMEs: largest number of taxpayers; major contributors to informal economy operating outside tax net; compliance risk; face high costs of compliance relative to their turnover, profits; need to overcome hurdles of formalization. -
TJN Tax Information Exchange N-S
Since the UNFinancing for Development Conference in Monterrey 2002, domestic resource mobilization has been put high on the international development agenda. In this context, the important role of raising tax revenues in developing countries (DC) has been increasingly acknowledged. -
Who is making international tax policy, article
This Article begins the process of mapping the inquiry into the role of international organizations in tax policy. It identifies four basic questions that must be addressed and specifies the more sophisticated inquiries that must then be undertaken. -
OECD CTPA Forum on Tax Administration Background Note
To help carry out its mandate, the FTA is directly supported by two specialist sub-groups—Compliance and Taxpayer Services—that each carry out a program of work agreed by members. Both OECD and selected non-OECD countries participate in the work of the FTA and its sub-groups. -
OECD CTPA Report on Transfer Pricing Aspects
Risks are of critical importance in the context of business restructurings. An examination of the allocation of risks between associated enterprises is an essential part of the functional analysis. -
OECD GF3 Statement of Outcomes
The Global Forum initiated a discussion on reporting to the G20 summarising the Global Forum’s progress on its core activities relating to peer reviews and implementation of the internationally agreed standard. -
OECD TFTD Informal Statement
On 27th January 2010, the OECD hosted a joint meeting of the Committee on Fiscal Affairs and the Development Assistance Committee, bringing together the tax and development communities for the first time.
Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Text 1988
Done at Strasbourg, the 25th day of January 1988 in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in two copies of which one shall be deposited the archives Council of Europe and the other in archives of OECD. The Secretaries General Council of Europe and of OECD shall transmit certified copies to each member State the Council of Europe and of the member countries OECD. -
OECD MAC in Tax Matters Q&A
The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters was originally developed by the OECD and the Council of Europe in 1988.
knowledge sharing
Busan GPP S-S and Triangular Cooperation
This Good Practice Paper (GPP) aims inform the debate around quality, effectiveness and sustainability of South-South -
HLF4 Agreement Busan Partnership
We, Heads of State, Ministers and representatives of developing and developed countries, heads of multilateral -
DWG Report on Pillar9 Knowledge Sharing
This paper is based on “knowledge sharing” concepts used by International Organizations (UNDP, OECD, and World Bank) -
G20 Issues Paper Emerging Lessons KS Institutions
As multiple poles of growth and innovation have emerged around the globe, developing countries are sharing concrete solutions to cope with development challenges. -
Report G20 MYAP Pillar9 on Knowledge Sharing
At the 2nd DWG meeting in Cape Town, the G20 DWG generally agreed that knowledge sharing becomes an increasingly relevant tool to foster world‐wide development
HLESSC Bogota Statement
We, representatives of partner countries, donors, multilateral and bilateral development organizations, parliaments and civil society, recognize that South-South cooperation (SSC) -
OECD TT-SSC at a Glance
The Task Team on South-South Cooperation (TT-SSC) brings partner countries, especially middle income countries, donors, civil society, academia, regional
110 cases of SS and Triangular Cooperation (Parth 1)
On March 2009, the Government of Colombia presented a proposal to the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF) -
110 cases of SS and Triangular Cooperation (Parth 2)
The SDI is a project made up of a cluster of projects designed to develop small communities through infrastructural development.
inclusive green growth
A Toolkit of Policy Options to Support Inclusive Green Growth
Much of green growth is about good policies—addressing market failure and “getting the price right” by introducing environmental taxation, pricing the use of scarce natural resources and pollution -
Attachement Matrix summary of agency responses
Attachment A – Audit of current initiatives and key actors involved in Post‐Rio+20 green economy work -
private investment in inclusive gg
The G20 Development Working Group (DWG) has tasked an informal group of co-facilitators9 with developing a Dialogue Platform on Inclusive Green Investment (G20 DPGI) -
private investment in inclusive gg bibliography
This paper assesses the current status of the climate finance landscape, mapping the life cycle of finance flows -
toolkit of policy options to support gg
Much of green growth is about good policies—addressing market failure and “getting the price right” by introducing environmental taxation
towards green growth full report
The world economy is slowly, and unevenly, coming out of the worst crisis most of us have ever known.
Comsec-Francophonie Submission to G20 2013
The Commonwealth and Francophonie relationship and engagement with the G20 Development Working Group (DWG) commenced in 2010; and has been steadily growing ever since.
Comsec-Francophonie Submission to G20 2012
Meeting in Washington DC on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank 2012 Spring Meetings
Comsec-Francophonie Submission to G20 2011
The Commonwealth has long been a global advocate for sustainable development, a catalyst for considering and finding solutions to the challenges of the poorest,
Saint Petersburg Accountability Report on G20 Development Commitments
In June 2010 at the Toronto Summit, the G20 leaders established the G20 Development Working Group (DWG) with the aim of implementing a development agenda.
History has shown that openness to trade is a key ingredient for economic success and for improved living standards. -
The Aid-for-Trade Initiative has achieved a great deal since its launch in 2005. It has raised awareness about the positive role trade can play in economic growth and development
private investment and job creation
Policy Note on Inclusive Business Policies
This paper introduces the concept of inclusive business policies, providing a framework to order and identify such policies. -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
Country Pilot Report Mozambique
The choice of the logistics value chain for this country pilot study, reflects both the importance of the value chain to the Mozambique economy -
G20 IAWG Indicators FinalRep
Subsequent to the presentation and approval of the “indicator framework”, UNCTAD tested the proposed methodology in six low-income countries across five sectors -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
An Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG), under the leadership of UNCTAD, was formed to support the G20 achieve this objective. -
Policy Note on Inclusive Business Policies
This paper introduces the concept of inclusive business policies, providing a framework to order and identify such policies.
domestic resource mobilization
IMF Training Catalog
The IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (Institute) organizes the training courses described in this catalog and delivers much of the training itself. Together with the regional training centers, it also administers the courses delivered at the IMF’s training centers by other IMF departments.
Comsec-Francophonie Submission to G20 2013
The Commonwealth and Francophonie relationship and engagement with the G20 Development Working Group (DWG) commenced in 2010; and has been steadily growing ever since.
Misperception of Risk and Return in Low Income Countries
Despite rapid development of Low Income Countries ('LICs') and Middle Income Countries ('MICs'), perception of their economic growth still lags reality. -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa
A tunnel of funds Assessing infrastructure project preparation for Africa Facilities for Africa. Volume A: Diagnostic & Recommendations -
Tunnels of Funds
Tunnels of Funds. Overview of the Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Infrastructure in Africa -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa. Appendixes -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa.
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa. Volume B: Individual Assessments -
Africa commands a powerful position on the world stage. It is seen as a land of opportunity — an emerging destination of choice for many investors and development actors as they look for highgrowth markets -
Follow up on the implementation of recommendations and plan elaborated by the HLP and MDBs -
Infrastructure Action Plan 2012 Follow-up Report
In 2011, extensive analysis and collaboration among the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) led to a jointly agreed Action Plan setting out ambitious initiatives aimed at (i) unlocking the infrastructure project pipeline -
Annex: Matrix of Actions of the MDB Action plan
The draft final report for the assessment was produced in mid September. An ICA Reference Group of MDBs and donors have provided guidance to finalize the study. -
urban mass transport infrastructure in developing countries
Urban transport determines the shape of a city and its ecological footprint. Many cities in low- and middle-income countries are at a crossroads.
Нuman resource development
Progress Report ILO, OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank
This report summarizes progress in each major deliverable of the Human Resource Development pillar as agreed in the Multiyear Action Plan and subsequent meetings of the G20 Development Working Group.
Development: African Union and Region
At its outset in 1963, member states of the Organization of African Unity agreed to coordinate and cooperate in order to improve the quality of life of their peoples. -
Regional Integration Strategy, Aid for Trade
Regional Integration at the Core of AfDB’s Mandate. Regional Integration has been part of the AfDB’s Chartersince its establishment in 1964. -
Overview of Developments in Regional Integration in Africa
In 2012, Africa’s projected growth rate of 6 per cent is expected to be driven by improved macroeconomic and political stability, an ongoing resource boom and a growing domestic consumer base. -
The past seven months have not witnessed any slowdown in the imposition of new trade restricting measures by G-20 economies.
private investment and job creation
Doing business in a more transparent world
Enabling private sector growth—and ensuring that poor people can participate in its benefi ts— requires a regulatory environment where new entrants with drive and good ideas -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group (IAWG) as phase two of the programme of work on “Indicators for measuring and maximizing economic value added and job creation from private investment in specific value chains.” -
Promoting responsible investment for sustainable development and job creation
Domestic and foreign private investment is a key source of employment, wealth creation and innovation. -
Policy Note on the Business Environment for Inclusive Business Models
The G20 Challenge on Inclusive Business Innovation sought to recognize businesses with innovative, scalable, replicable and commercially viable ways of reaching lowincome people in developing countries. -
G20 Inclusive Business Workshop 19-20 September 2012, Berlin
The first G20 Inclusive Business Workshop was held in Berlin on September 19 – 20 at the BMZ Office in Berlin and featured the award-winning businesses of the G20 Challenge on Inclusive Business Innovation. -
Progress Report ILO, OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank 3-5 May 2012
This report summarizes progress in each major deliverable of the Human Resource Development pillar as agreed in the Multiyear Action Plan and subsequent meetings of the G20 Development Working Group. -
Promoting responsible investment for sustainable development and job creation
Domestic and foreign private investment is a key source of employment, wealth creation and innovation. As such, private investment can contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries. -
G20 Mongolia Report FINAL
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group -
This report is part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group
food security
Multiplying Agriculture by the Power of Mobile
Over a billion people worldwide earn their living by working the land. -
G20 Mexico 2012 Agriculture Vice Ministers / Deputies Meeting REPORT
Under Mexico’s G20 Presidency, Vice Ministers/Deputies of Agriculture from the countries of the G20, and invited countries -
Position paper of ECOWAS and UEMOA and their technical branch CILSS for the planning and implementation of AGIR
West African states have adopted regional policies and investment programmes on the prevention and management of food and nutritional crises, as well as instruments to implement them. Moreover -
Given the shortcomings of the existing information facilities and with the introduction of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Agricultural Policy and the CAADP -
Principles for responsible agricultural investment (RAI)
Risks of large-scale land acquisition where local land rights are not clearly defined and governance is weak -
Enhancing Food Security & Addressing Commodity Price Volatility
Despite a reduction in the number of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, we are still living in a world where 925 million people do not have enough to eat and 98 percent of them live in developing countries (FAO). -
The Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2)
GCARD 2012 provides opportunity for all sectors and regions to report their activities since 2010 and to agree collective actions and next steps in implementation of the GCARD Roadmap and the CGIAR Strategy & Results Framework. -
Delivering the Change Together – Reflections on GCARD2
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research provides the open forum for all sectors involved in agricultural research for development. Through the cycle of GCARD processes initiated in 2010, GFAR works as a catalyst for action and a catalyst for change. -
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its Thirty-eighth (Special) Session on 11 May 2012 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. -
The Special Rapporteur on the right to food welcomes the significant inter-sessional work carried out since the 37th session of the CFS in October 2011. -
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its Thirty-ninth Session from 15 to 20 October 2012 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. -
UN CFS Investments in Agribusiness
Recent increases in the prices of agricultural commodities have been instrumental in spurring a surge of private investment in farming and agribusiness. -
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
The purpose of these Voluntary Guidelines is to serve as a reference and to provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land -
The State of Food Insecurity in the World
The 2012 edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World focuses on the importance of economic growth in overcoming poverty, hunger and malnutrition. -
FAO HLPE Report Social protection for food security
As part of the reform of the World Committee on Food Security (CFS), the High-level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) was established in 2010 -
UN ECOSOC Joint Meeting of Food Security and Scaling up Nutrition
Recent natural emergencies in the United States, India, Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have devastated crops and contributed to a recent spike in food prices. -
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy
In the last two years around 30 countries and hundreds of stakeholders have come together to change the world so that every woman and child is adequately nourished. -
UN SUN Movement Secretariat Roadmap
The SUN Movement was launched in 2010. A Framework for Scaling Up Nutrition was launched at the spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF in April 2010 -
UN WFP Fighting Hunger Factsheet
Drought has returned to the Sahel region of West Africa following an erratic and late 2011 rainy season, bringing hunger to millions for the third time in seven years. -
UN WFP Nutrition Factsheet
Food and nutrition support is essential for keeping people living with HIV healthy longer and for improving the effectiveness of treatment. -
UN WFP Nutrition in Asia
There are more malnourished children in Asia than on any other continent. -
UN WFP School Meals_Brief
No child should attend school hungry. This is the goal WFP has set itself for 2015. WFP is working with its government partners, NGOs and donors to achieve this goal. -
Food and Nutrition Security for All through Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Ending hunger and malnutrition is an essential part of sustainable development. It is a goal that can be achieved. -
Food Security Open Data Challenge: An Overview
The Food Security Open Data Challenge is a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) led effort to convene food security experts, data scientists, technologists, and other development professionals -
G20 AgResults Initiative PolicyPaper
At the 2012 G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, a new initiative was launched to har-ness private sector creativity to enhance food security and agricultural development in the world’s poorest countries. -
AgResults Innovation in Research and Delivery Draft concept note
In 2010, 925 million people worldwide experienced chronic hunger2. Growing and urbanising populations are demanding higher-protein foods, placing ever greater pressure on agricultural land. -
KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS AgResults: Innovation in Research and Delivery
AgResults is a new multilateral initiative addressing the need for increased investment in global food security and agriculture, in particular from the private sector. -
AgResults: Innovation in Research and Delivery Secretariat Procurement: Questions and Answers
Technological innovation is one of the main focuses of AgResults because pull mechanism incentives are likely to be effective in promoting technologies that lead to improved food security. -
The Governments of Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are seeking an organization to be the Secretariat of the AgResults Initiative -
Agricultural Pull Mechanism (AGPM) Initiative
The EAG agreed that all proposals submitted for consideration to the thematic groups should address the following overarching objective -
WB GAFSP Annual Report
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) is a transformational approach to aid that was launched by a group of innovative donors at the request of the G20 in April 2010. -
Program Background and Highlights: In response to the global food crisis in 2008 the G8++ launched the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) -
Putting the New Vision for Agriculture into Action: A Transformation Is Happening
In the coming decades, a growing and increasingly affluent global population will demand a greater quantity, variety and nutritional value of food than the world has ever produced before. -
Global agriculture will face multiple challenges over the coming decades. -
Highlights of the food security situation in Africa
The food security situation on the continent in the first semester of 2012 was overshadowed by a looming food and humanitarian crisis in the Sahel due to drought. -
Ag Aid and Tech Breakthroughs
With the growth in annual yields for key staple crops falling and global population projected to add another two to three billion mouths to feed by 2050 -
Report on L'Aquila Food Security Initiative
Since 1975, the Group of Eight (G-8) has met to discuss and take decisive action on pressing global challenges. -
NEPAD/AU declaration on promoting agricultural growth in an unstable context
Resilience has become the new paradigm for dealing with food crises within international agencies.
growth with resilience
This note reviews the latest available data on youth employment in G20 countries. -
Quality apprenticeships based on robust social dialogue and public-private partnerships help young people overcome the work-inexperience trap that blocks their transition from education to employment. -
EU Social protection Development
The Lisbon Treaty commits the EU to contribute to eradicating poverty worldwide. -
WB GRWG Global Remittance Efforts
The Global Effort in the Remittances Arena. Mid-term review of the 5x5 Objective -
WB PSDG RemittancePrice Trend-Analysis
The Remittance Prices Worldwide (RPW) database monitors remittance prices across all geographic regions of the world. -
Towards Assessment-based National Policy
Tools for comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of national social protection systems: from mapping to simulation of future costs & impacts of policy reforms -
ILO Recommendation Social Protection
The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office -
SPIAC Presentation
*SPARC(S)*-ing the Agenda on Social Protection Systems -
SPIAC-B 2nd Meeting Report
The second meeting of the Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation took place on 29 October 2012 in Hyderabad, India. -
GFSP Execsummary
Health care, unemployment insurance, food aid, disability benefits: all of these services aim to ensure the right to an adequate standard of living for everyone, often referred to as the social safety net. -
UN DSPD Presentation SPF-I
We commit ourselves to… reducing poverty… and…to ensure that all people have adequate economic and social protection during unemployment, ill health, maternity, child rearing, widowhood, disability and old age -
WB Social Protection Srategy
Effective social protection and labor (SPL) policies occupy center stage, as never before. -
UNDP 2011-2012 Annual Report
Early in 2011, the UN Secretary-General outlined a five-year action plan to build “the future we want,” one that is safer, more secure, more sustainable and more equitable. -
UNGP Big Data for Development
This paper was developed by UN Global Pulse, an initiative based in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations.
financial inclusion
GPFI Issues Paper 1 Standard-Setting Body Engagement on Financial Inclusion
Together, the normative standards and advisory guidance of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) -
GPFI Issues Paper 3 FI – A Pathway to Financial Stability
International standard-‐setting bodies (SSBs) and national policy makers – including financial regulators – pursue the core objectives of financial stability, financial integrity and financial consumer protection. -
G20 GPFI Basic Set of FI Indicators
Better financial inclusion data is critical to inform financial inclusion policy making and advance financial inclusion at global and national levels. -
G20 Finance Ministers Communique
We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met to assess progress on the fulfillment of the mandates given to us by our Leaders -
G20 Financial Inclusion Factsheets
Around the world, 2.7 billion adults still do not have access to basic financial products such as savings accounts, loans, insurance, payments systems, pension plans and remittance facilities. -
IMF Staff Note to G20
Recent policy actions have led to some easing in financial stress and economic conditions may be stabilizing. -
D-8 Central Banks Governors Communique
We, the Governors of Central Banks of Developing Eight (D-8) Countries, held our second meeting in Islamabad, Pakistan on November 21, 2012 -
WB DWG Survey Bank Competition
The impact of bank competition on financial markets and firms is an important topic for policymakers and researchers alike. -
Financial Inclusion Strategies Reference Framework
Financial inclusion is emerging as a priority for policymakers and regulators in financial sector development
domestic resource mobilization
IMF Training Catalog
The International Monetary Fund pursues its goal of promoting international monetary and financial stability through three key means: surveillance and policy advice to our member countries; financial support for members’ economic programs; and technical assistance to build robust economic institutions. -
EC Presentation DRM Work 2012-2013
Specific focus on Domestic Revenue Mobilization: -Crucial to financing development policies and promoting; -MDGs, fiscal stability and sustainable growth; -Central for state building, fostering citizenship and domestic accountability; -Provides sustainable and more predictable public funds and reduces aid dependency; -Part of the eligibility criteria Macroeconomics and Public Finance; part of political dialogue; -
IMF Draft Revision Government Finance Statistics
The primary purpose of the GFS Manual is to provide a comprehensive conceptual and reporting framework suitable for analyzing and evaluating fiscal policy, especially the performance of the general government sector and the broader public sector of any country. -
IMF Annual Report
The global economy experienced a period of tentative stability in the first quarter of 2012 after a major setback in late 2011, but the recovery remained fragile as FY2012 drew to a close. -
IMF Factsheet Debt Relief HIPC Initiative
Countries receiving debt relief. Of the 39 countries eligible or potentially eligible for HIPC Initiative assistance, 34 are receiving full debt relief from the IMF and other creditors after reaching their completion points. -
IMF Financial Surveillance Strategy
The Fund’s response to these challenges is proceeding along three strands: innovations in analysis, adaptations of the IMF’s instruments and products, and engagement with stakeholders. -
IMF Global Financial Stability Report
The Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) assesses key risks facing the global financial system. In normal times, the report seeks to play a role in preventing crises by highlighting policies that may mitigate systemic risks, thereby contributing to global financial stability and the sustained economic growth of the IMF’s member countries. -
IMF Report to G20 Tax and Development
“Focuses on how the G‐20 can contribute to strengthening the enabling environment in which tax systems can be developed is not a comprehensive plan for how tax can be used to promote development sets out how the G‐20 can show leadership and provide political support to ongoing initiatives and identifies areas which need to be reinforced” -
IMF to G20 Global Prospects and Policy
Recent stabilization comes on the heels of further monetary policy easing and other supportive actions. Unconventional monetary policy has been at the heart of the policy response in advanced economies, while emerging markets have also eased considerably. -
IMF FSB Progress Report on G20 Data Gaps Initiative
The implementation process of the DGI involves broad consultation with national authorities on their views on action plans, modalities, timelines, and challenges to enhance existing datasets and implement new ones. -
ITC News and Developments
The key conference topics included: principles of taxation, natural resource taxation, corporate taxation, evaluation of excise in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), evaluation of excise tax and tariff systems, tax coordination, and the illicit trade in tobacco. -
WB MSME Tax Simplification
Businesses stay out of the formal economy and can get a ―free-ride. Government is not reaching revenue potential. -
WB World Development Indicators ebook
World Development Indicators 2012 is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about development and the quality of people’s lives. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Chapter 1
A significant volume of global trade nowadays consists of international transfers of goods and services, capital (such as money) and intangibles (such as intellectual property) within an MNE group; such transfers are called “intra‐group” transactions. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Chapter 4
An essential first step in improving cooperation is to review and clarify exactly what each agency’s responsibilities and functions are and the mechanisms for contact and coordination. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Foreword
In offering practical guidance to policy makers and administrators on the application of the arm’s length principle, the Manual does not seek to be prescriptive. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Secretary Note to Manual TP-capacity-building
This report describes the technical assistance and capacity building resources available to developing countries in the area of transfer pricing. -
Practical Manual on TP for DC, Summary
The Subcommittee on Transfer Pricing – Practical Issues ("the Subcommittee") was mandated to: "develop a practical manual on transfer pricing, based on the following principles...." -
Press release LA Tax Revenues
Revenue Statistics in Latin America aims to provide internationally comparable data on tax levels and tax structures for a selection of Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. -
ADB Project Data Tax Administration Asia
Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program: Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. -
E&Y Global-TP-Tax-Authority-Survey
Taxpayers should recognize that they need more resources with increased geographic reach and some non-traditional skills. For example, experience with bargaining theory would help to deal with what the OECD calls “options realistically available.” -
PFTAC Meeting Materials
For the first year of Phase IV PFTAC has operated at a scale below that envisaged in the program document. Phase IV is now fully financed and scaling up can begin. -
PwC Tax-Transparency Country by Country Reporting
The contributions made by business to the public finances of a country are essential to enable governments to fulfil their obligations to promote economic and social development. -
USCIB Comments on Transfer Pricing Needs Assessment
The USCIB appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the Transfer Pricing Needs Assessment Tool recently presented at the third plenary meeting of the Task Force on Tax and Development. -
OECD BEPS Background Brief
The debate over Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) has also reached the political level and has become a very important issue on the agenda of several OECD and non-OECD countries. The G20 Leaders meeting in Mexico on 18-19 June 2012 explicitly referred to “the need to prevent base erosion and profit shifting” in their final declaration. -
OECD Challenges of Transfer Pricing
National revenue bodies face a varied environment within which to administer their taxation system. Jurisdictions differ in respect of their policy, legislative environment, their administrative practices and culture. -
OECD Contributions to the G20
As a member of the G20 Framework Working Group, the OECD has been supporting G20 country-led efforts by providing evidence based policy analysis on the impacts of structural reform options. The OECD-hosted Task Force on FCP was instrumental in developing the High-level Principles on FCP, jointly with the Financial Stability Board. -
OECD Impact of Global Relations Programme
The Global Relations Programme (GRP) is the CFA’s primary instrument to support the integration of non-OECD economies into the global economy. OECD has become one of the most important international organizations who cooperate with China’s State Administration of Taxation SAT. -
OECD Principles for International Engagement
Taxation provides governments with funds for development. The international development community is gearing up support to developing countries for domestic resource mobilisation and taxation. -
OECD Principles on Development Cooperation
Achieving development progress requires effective governance and institutions that can deliver. Evidence suggests that institutions that are held to account for results by citizens or other state institutions perform better in delivering services. -
OECD Progress Report Tax Standard
OECD Transparency Benefits PublicRegistration
The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines require testing of a controlled transaction (a transaction between associated enterprises) for conformity with the arm’s length principle by setting it against comparable uncontrolled transactions. -
OECD CTPA Multi-Country Analysis of TP Simplification Measures
The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (“TPG”) provide internationally accepted guidance on the application of the arm‟s length principle set out in Article 9 of the OECD and UN Model Tax Conventions. -
OECD Progress Report on EOI Guide
Limited use of EOI requests due to lack of awareness about EOI among tax auditors or reluctance to make requests (perception that responses take too long). -
The automatic exchange of information is understood to involve the systematic and periodic transmission of “bulk” taxpayer information by the source country to the residence country concerning various categories of income (e.g. dividends, interest, royalties, salaries, pensions, etc.). -
OECD ATAF Guide on EOI for DC
Developing countries are presently expanding their network of EOI instruments (negotiating DTCs with new countries, Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) and new regional tax agreements such as the ATAF Multilateral Mutual Assistance Treaty. -
OECD TFTD Presentation Overview
Objective is to create an enhanced enabling environment to assist developing countries collect taxes effectively and fairly. -
OECD GF5 Information
The Global Forum is mandated to ensure that all jurisdictions adhere to the same high standard of international cooperation in tax matters. International cooperation in tax matters is crucial to ensuring the administration and enforcement of countries’ tax laws as cross border tax evasion becomes easier with the liberalization of financial markets. -
OECD GF5 Statement of Outcomes
The Global Forum was pleased to note the interest shown by a range of jurisdictions in signing the multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, making it a key instrument for the exchange of tax information to the international standard. -
OECD GF Report Tax Transparency
Following the Mexico meeting, the Global Forum acted swiftly to adopt a Schedule of Reviews, a Methodology to conduct the peer review along with the necessary framework, the Terms of Reference and a Note on Assessment Criteria need to underpin the reviews. -
OECD Flyer MAC in Tax Matters
The Convention lists reservations which States may make regarding the taxes covered (e.g. local taxes) and the type of assistance to be provided (e.g. assistance in collection). Certain forms of co-operation such as automatic exchange of information and tax examinations abroad require the previous consent of the relevant Parties -
OECD TFTD Meeting Statement
State building and capacity development are core to the development agenda and the Task Force advanced a set of international engagement principles to improve the quality and coherence of international support in tax matters, which should be used to monitor performance. -
OECD TFTD Principles Supporting DevCountries in Tax Matters
Taxation provides governments with the funds needed to invest in development, relieve poverty and deliver public services directed toward the physical and social infrastructure required to enhance long term growth.
inclusive green growth
A Toolkit of Policy Options to Support Inclusive Green Growth
Much of green growth is about good policies—addressing market failure and “getting the price right” by introducing environmental taxation, pricing the use of scarce natural resources and pollution -
Attachement Matrix summary of agency responses
Attachment A – Audit of current initiatives and key actors involved in Post‐Rio+20 green economy work -
private investment in inclusive gg
The G20 Development Working Group (DWG) has tasked an informal group of co-facilitators9 with developing a Dialogue Platform on Inclusive Green Investment (G20 DPGI) -
private investment in inclusive gg bibliography
This paper assesses the current status of the climate finance landscape, mapping the life cycle of finance flows -
toolkit of policy options to support gg
Much of green growth is about good policies—addressing market failure and “getting the price right” by introducing environmental taxation
Comsec-Francophonie Submission to G20 2012
Meeting in Washington DC on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank 2012 Spring Meetings
Supporting Infrastructure Development in Low-Income Countries
Developing countries need substantially more infrastructure to grow and address poverty, inequality and unemployment concerns. This is particularly true in low-income countries (LICs), where annual investment needs could be as high as 15 percent of GDP. -
Infrastructure needs in developing countries
Infrastructure is a critical driver of economic growth. A cross-country analysis indicates that raising the quantity of infrastructure by one standard deviation increases the growth rate by several percentage points (Calderón and Servén 2004a). -
Principles for PPP Effectiveness in Developing Countries
Further to the G20 Development Working Group request, the purpose of this note is to identify key issues that can help ensure successful access to and use of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in developing countries. -
Infrastructure Needs Assessment
Infrastructure is a critical driver of economic growth. A cross-country analysis indicates that raising the quantity of infrastructure by one standard deviation increases the growth rate by several percentage points -
Project Selection and Prioritization
To improve the state of physical transport infrastructure (roads, rail, border-posts, ports) along the North-South Corridor and the regulatory environment for trade and transport (i.e. by simplifying and reducing cross-border clearing procedures, harmonising transit and transport regulations, and simplifying administrative requirements, etc.). -
The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) in the G20 context
The ICA was established in 2005 following the Gleneagles G8 Summit. It intends to make its members more effective at supporting infrastructure development in Africa by pooling efforts in key areas. -
The Development agenda is at the core of the G20 priorities. It is an essential part of the global economic agenda, promoting a shared and inclusive economic growth and reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment. -
Infrastructure Pillar : Conclusions and recommendations
Consistent with the six principles that inform our Seoul Consensus, we agree that any collective effort on the part of the G20 to support infrastructure development -
Infrastructure Action Plan
The MDB Action Plan reflects extensive analysis and collaboration among the multilateral development banks and follows on a background report on infrastructure issues in developing countries provided to the G20 in June 2011. -
Study on Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)
This report summarizes the findings of the Study of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), a programme dedicated to facilitating continental integration in Africa through improved regional infrastructure.
Regional integration has been a longstanding goal of the African Development Bank, an ideal that featured prominently in the 1964 Agreement that established the institution. -
Least developeD countries SERIES
Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have liberalized trade unilaterally, bilaterally and regionally. -
Trade Facilitation in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area
Africa accounts for less that 2.5% of world trade and non-oil exports have been about 1% since 1992 - half of their 1980 value. -
UN LDC IV: Reforming Rules of Origin in Preference-Giving Countries
Rules of origin (RoO) confer an economic nationality on products in international trade and are a necessary and integral part of preferential trade regimes. -
AfT and the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness Busan
The Aid-for-Trade Initiative and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness were conceived at the same time. -
Impediments to Regional Trade Integration in Africa
The importance of regional integration as a means for supporting Africa’s economic development has long been recognized by African leaders. -
Transparency in Trade Brochure
The Transparency in Trade initiative (TNT) is a joint venture launched by the African Development Bank, the International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) -
Transparency in Trade Brochure 2
Data are available by various product classi cations and nomenclatures. It also allows users to calculate effects of tariff reductions by offering a simulation tool -
The 2011 monitoring report Aid for Trade at a Glance: Showing Results analyses a vast amount of unique information from a wide range of sources about what works in aid for trade, what does not work and where improvements are needed.
private investment and job creation
Promoting standards for responsible investment in value chains”
Over the past two decades, the universe of sustainable business standards has expanded both in number and form. -
Indicators for measuring and maximizing economic value added and job creation arising from private sector investment in value chains
In November 2010 the G-20 leaders adopted the Seoul Summit Declaration and recognized “the critical role of the private sector to create jobs and wealth, and the need for a policy environment that supports sustainable private sector-led investment and growth.” -
Joining Forces against Corruption: G20 Business and Government
In November 2010 in Seoul, the G20 Heads of State and Government adopted an ambitious Anti-Corruption Action Plan that specifically calls for public-private partnerships for developing and implementing initiatives to fight corruption together. -
The Investment Climate Facility for Africa
ICF is the only pan-African body, explicitly and exclusively focused on improving the continent’s investment climate, based in Africa -
Investment liberalization and promotion remained the dominant element of recent investment policies. Nevertheless, the risk of investment protectionism has increased as restrictive investment measures and administrative procedures have accumulated over recent years.
food security
WFP Women and WFP
Experience has shown that in the hands of women, food is most likely to reach the mouths of children in need. -
Price Volatility in Food and Agricultural Markets: Policy Responses
G20 leaders at their summit meeting in November 2010 requested FAO, IFAD, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WFP, the World Bank and the WTO (to) work with key stakeholders -
UN CFS 2011 37 Final Report
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) held its Thirty-seventh Session from 17 to 22 October 2011 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. The Session was attended by delegates from 114 Members of the Committee; by participants from -
UN CFS 2011 37 Roandtable Methods to Estimate Hunger
Following a request of the 36th session of the Committee on Food Security, a Roundtable was held to review and discuss methods for “measuring hunger”. -
UN CFS 2011 Consultations on PRAI
Keep track of the ongoing (CFS and non-CFS) developments, processes and initiatives related to responsible agricultural investment which will serve as input for the broad consultation within the context of CFS -
The Nations accepting this Constitution, being determined to promote the common welfare by furthering separate and collective action on their part for the purpose of: -
The FAO indicator of the prevalence of undernourishment
The quote above is from a recent “review of hunger indices and methods to monitor country commitment to fighting hunger” (Masset, 2010). -
This edition of The State of Food and Agriculture addresses Women in agriculture: closing the gender gap for development. -
WFP Year in Review
Natural catastrophes and political upheaval defined 2011, as parts of East Africa and South Asia buckled under the worst climate disasters in decades and unprecedented anti-government protests in the Arab world deepened poverty and sparked massive human migrations. -
Concept Paper Prepared by Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, CGIAR, FAO, GFAR and the WB.
The G20 Seoul communiqué and Action Plan on Development, in its pillar on Food Security, endorsed the five “Rome principles” of the 2009 World Food Summit on Food Security and underscored the need to enhance policy coherence and coordination within the existing agricultural research systems. -
We, the G20 Agriculture Ministers, meet today to address the issue of food price volatility with the ultimate objective to improve food security and agree on an “Action Plan on food price volatility and agriculture” that will be submitted to our Leaders at their Summit in November 2011. -
G20 Food prices volatility
G20 of Pittsburgh: Leaders agreed to “improve the regulation, functioning and transparency of financial and commodity markets to address excessive commodity price volatility” -
This report was prepared by the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) that was formed to support the G20 High-level Development Working Group with respect to the Food Security Pillar (“Pillar 5”) of the Multi-Year Action Plan on Development. -
IFAD 2011 Annual Report
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) works with poor rural people to enable them to grow and sell more food, increase their incomes and determine the direction of their own lives. -
IFAD 2011 Strategic Framework 2011-2015
The IFAD Strategi c Fram ework 2 011-2015 wa s prepared by the Office of Strategy and Kn owledge Management (SKM) under the guidance of Henock Ki fle, Ch ief Develop ment Strategist, an d Kevin Clea ver, Associate Vice-Presid ent, Programmes. -
FAO 2011 TAP Presentation
Tropical Agriculture Platform Transforming agricultural capacities through partnership -
FAO G20-TAP Proposal
Tropical Agriculture Platform: a proposal to promote and ensure the impact of partnerships for food security -
Concept Paper Tropical Agriculture Platform
Agriculture in the tropics is not only a means for food security, but also known to be a critical driver of economic growth, especially in the early stages of economic development. -
The Declaration of the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting held in Paris, France in June 2011 stated “We welcome the ongoing work by FAO and interested G20 members to develop a platform for capacity building in tropical agriculture in developing countries”. -
UNCTAD Emergency Food Reserves Fund
The food price crisis of the last five years has drawn new attention to the problems of food supply in poor countries as well as the hollowness of previous advice to them to rely on world markets for any gaps in supply. -
UNCTAD Food Security in Developing Countries
Global warming has the potential to damage irreversibly the natural resource base on which agriculture depends, with grave consequences for food security. -
WFP Africa_Figures
WFP assists African governments and communities to implement comprehensive, country-led, hunger solution programmes. -
Mutual Accountability Framework for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
CAADP is the Africa-owned plan for agriculture-led development in Africa to eliminate hunger and reduce food insecurity. -
CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework
The Funders Forum of July 2010 discussed the Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) presented by the Consortium Board (CB) on behalf of the CGIAR Centers. -
IFPRI Global Food Policy Report
Since 2007, two rounds of food price hikes have contributed to millions of people being hungry or malnourished. -
Joint Multilateral Development Banks’ Action Plan for Improving Coordination on Food and Water Security
At a meeting in Washington, DC on 10 October 2010, the heads of the multilateral development banks (MDBs), under the chairmanship of President Mirow of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), discussed outstanding global issues, including food and water security, and established the MDB working group on food and water security to improve coordination. -
The 1,000 days between pregnancy and age two offer a critical window of opportunity to establish a lasting foundation for health through adequate nutrition. -
The food price rise of 2007-2008, coupled with financial, environmental and energy crises, exposed weaknesses and vulnerabilities in food and energy governance systems. -
WEF NVA Initiative Overview
Over the past two years, food security and economic crises have highlighted both the urgent need and the potential for developing sustainable agricultural systems.
growth with resilience
Inclusive and resilient development: the role of social protection
Social protection is central to development. This becomes especially evident during periods of crisis, when large numbers of people are affected by shocks. -
ILO SPF-Social Protection Floor for Globalization
ILO basic social protection costing models and policy implications. ODI International Conference on Financing Social Protection in LICs: Finding the Common Ground London, 26-27 May 2011 -
ILO SPF-Social Protection Floor for Globalization
The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, in his message on the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice, 20 February 2011 -
UNDP Annual Report Russian
UNDP - is a solutions-oriented, knowledge-based organization that supports countries in solving their own problems in the development of -
UNDP ART Annual Report
T he UNDP launched the ART Global Initiative in 2005, as part of its commitment to support countries in their efforts to accelerate progress on the MDGs -
UNDP Human Development Report
This Report explores the integral links between environmental sustainability and equity and shows that these are critical to expanding human freedoms for people today and in generations to come. -
UNDP MDG Progress
The recent global economic crisis has reinforced significant concerns about the impact of financial and economic shocks in an integrated world economy. -
National Human Development Report for the Russian Federation
The Introduction considers the meaning of modernization and the possible types of modernization, which emerge at various stages of social development. -
AIR Project – Updates from the World Bank Payment Systems Development Group
The Payment System Development Group is at the center of an international network, whose main objective is supporting countries to reform Payments -
WB PSDG Reducing Remittance Costs
Remittance systems are still characterized by cash transactions, inefficient manual processes, fragmentation of the delivery chains, and poor compliance. -
WB PSDG Remittance Prices Worldwide Analysis
The Remittance Prices Worldwide (RPW) database monitors remittance prices across all geographic regions of the world. -
WB PSGD Presentation International Remittances
We (G-20) recognize the importance of facilitating international remittance flows and enhancing their efficiency to increase their contribution to growth with resilience and poverty reduction. -
WB Remittance Flows Outlook 2011-2013
Officially recorded remittances sent to developing countries reached $325 billion, registering a quick recovery to the level in 2008. -
WB Remittance Flows Outlook 2012-214
Officially recorded remittance flows to developing countries are estimated to have reached $351 billion in 2011, up 8 percent over 2010.
financial inclusion
AFI Network Commitment to FI
Maya Declaration. The AFI network commitment to financial inclusion -
AFI Maya Declaration on FI
Maya Declaration on Financial Inclusion. Alliance for Financial Inclusion -
Perspectives and Suggestions from Developing Countries of the Commonwealth and Francophonie
The Commonwealth and Francophonie, two associations representing more than 100 countries and 2.5 billion people, welcome the G20 focus on financial inclusion as it will assist association countries to strengthen financial inclusion. -
G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion
Despite advances in financial inclusion across the globe, more than 2.5 billion people worldwide remain excluded from access to financial services. -
GPFI Report to G20
Billions of individuals and millions of SMEs throughout the world crucially lack access to financial services. -
This report was produced on behalf of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) -
GPFI WB IFCAccess to Finance for Women
At the G-20 Seoul Summit in November 2010, the leaders of the 20 member countries endorsed the “Financial Inclusion Action Plan”
domestic resource mobilization
IMF Recent Developments and Initiatives
The Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG), which the IMF chairs, is the main coordinating body for the G-20 data gaps initiative. The work has benefited from consultations and coordination among the members of the IAG and is well documented in the progress report submitted to the G-20 ministers of finance and central bank governors in June 2011 -
IMF Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries
Strengthening revenue mobilization in developing countries has long been a central concern of the Fund, and its advice has been highly influential. In its program, surveillance and—the main perspective here—technical assistance (TA) work, the Fund has for many years supported developing countries’ efforts to build more effective and fairer tax systems. -
IMF Assessing-Tax-Performance
Internal tracking of a tax agency’s performance is an important management practice, but what does it tell us about the agency’s effectiveness vis-‐à-‐vis comparable tax administrations in other countries? -
WB Global Tax Simplification Program
Ongoing loss of revenue every year for many countries. This revenue is sent abroad / offshore. Critical issue especially for developing countries. Current low revenue resources are even more reduced. -
WB IamTaxSummary
Despite some isolated efforts, a comprehensive model for assessing tax administration performance is not available to international organizations, regional networks, cooperation agencies and donors providing technical assistance for tax administration reforms. -
IMF Review of AML CFT Program
The Fund’s Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) program has significantly contributed to the international community’s response to money laundering and the financing of terrorism. -
EC Transfer-pricing and DC PwC Study
The assessment of MNE activity in the selected countries is an important step in the analysis for the need for TP reform. It not only allows conclusions to be drawn with regard to the relevance of TP and, hence, the potential impact on tax collections of investing in TP reform, it also highlights specific economic sectors that should potentially receive special attention when TP legislation is drafted. -
EC Accounting Directive Proposal
The Accounting Directives1 (hereafter the "Directives") deal with the annual and consolidated financial statements of limited liability companies in Europe. The Commission Services have maintained a regular dialogue with stakeholders throughout the Review. -
ITC News and Developments
The “UN Tax Committee” held its 7th Annual Session in Geneva in October 2011. A key issue during the session was to complete the update of the “UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries” as a new version of the framework is to be finalised and published by early 2012. -
ITC Study Supporting-Tax-Systems
The International Tax Compact (ITC) is an international initiative to fight against tax evasion and inappropriate tax practices in developing countries. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has launched the initiative and commissioned GIZ and KfW to support the implementation. -
WB Business Tax Simplification
Development and Growth Goals: create a “culture of taxation”; regularization of the rule of law; to increase the size of the formal sector; to promote growth -
WB CATT Presentation
An integrated monitoring tool for measuring Customs performance over time. All data is objectively verifiable and comparable across countries and across time periods. -
UN RPTC Progress Report 2010-2011
The overwhelming majority of the United Nations system’s operational activities for development are funded by voluntary contributions from Governments. -
UN Model Tax Convention
In most cases the costs and benefits of globalization are contextual, i.e. costs and benefits vary as conditions vary. -
UNESCO World-development-report
Drug and human traffi cking, money laundering, illegal exploitation of natural resources and wildlife, counterfeiting, and violations of intellectual property rights are lucrative criminal activities, which facilitate the penetration by organized crime of the already vulnerable sociopolitical, judicial, and security structures in developing countries. -
UN TP-Report Informal Meeting
Transfer pricing is complex and difficult but not “unenforceable” and is a very important part of the tax environment. -
Joint Report to G20 Tax Systems
Taxation provides governments with the funds needed to invest in development, relieve poverty and deliver public services. The Doha Declaration confirms the need to step up efforts to enhance tax collection, investment and other private flows, with a view to supporting pro-poor development. -
ActionAid Policy-Briefing DRM-and-G20
Increased support for capacity building (particularly on transfer pricing) which should be coordinated through the G20, allowing developing countries sufficient flexibility to apply rules suited to their own needs. -
EuroDaD Report FinTransparency by MNCs
Tax is necessary for a state to raise predictable revenues, redistribute income and provide infrastructure and basic services such as health and education to its citizens. Taxation also strengthens democracy and government’s accountability to its citizens. -
G20 Support to EITI
The increasing support from the G20 is important for the EITI It consolidates its status as a global standard for resource revenue transparency. -
HMRC Report International Tax Benchmarking
This report presents the findings of a benchmarking collaboration between HMRC and the tax authorities of Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Ireland, Poland, Spain and South Africa. -
PEFA TaxAdminFeasibilityStudy
While the PEFA tax administration indicators are likely the most widely used (given they are part of the widely-accepted PEFA framework), they clearly present many difficulties in terms of a comprehensive tool for assessing tax administration. -
UK Governance-for-growth
Three years on from the first G20 Leaders’ meeting, we meet at an anxious time for the global economy. We face profound difficulties – unprecedented in our lifetimes – which have cast a pall over the advanced and emerging economies alike... -
OECD Evaluation of Paris Declaration Phase2
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness poses an important challenge both to the world of development cooperation in general and to the field of development evaluation. -
OECD Tax Reform Trends
In recent years there has tended to be more emphasis on ‘making work pay’ for low-income earners. Thus one driver of tax reform has been a desire to reduce disincentives for households to enter the labour market and once in the labour market to increase their work efforts. -
OECD CTPA Forum onTax Administration Guidance
This report is a unique and comprehensive survey of tax administration systems and practices across 34 OECD and 15 selected non-OECD countries. -
OECD CTPA Tax Administration in OECD and non-OECD
This information series, prepared by the OECD‘s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) for the Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), provides internationally comparative data on aspects of tax systems and their administration in OECD and selected non-OECD countries. -
OECD GF2 Statement of Outcomes
The Global Forum noted that many multilateral instruments, including regional agreements, could be brought up to the standard and used to facilitate exchange information and has initiated work in this area. -
OECD GF4 Statement of Outcomes
Responding to a call from the G20 Development Working Group, the Global Forum will serve as a platform to facilitate co-ordination of assistance to support the effectiveness of information exchange provided to its members, in particular to developing jurisdictions. -
OECD GF Report Tax Transparency
The new Global Forum, with all members on an equal footing, has been working at an amazing speed to ensure a high level of transparency and tax cooperation in accordance with the internationally agreed standard on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. -
OECD MAC in Tax Matters
Established by the Depositaries the 1st day of June 2011 pursuant to Article X.4 of the Protocol amending the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in two copies of which one shall be deposited in the archives of each Depositary. -
OECD TFTD PrepNote FinDataReporting
The OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs and Development Assistance Committee decided on 27th January 2010 to set up an informal Task Force on Tax and Development (“Task Force”) to provide a platform for a Tax and Development programme which should combine the efforts of key stakeholders in an integrated approach towards the role taxation plays in building capacity to achieve sustainable growth, tackle poverty, combat corruption, attract direct investment and develop transparent financial systems.
knowledge sharing
Busan GPP S-S and Triangular Cooperation
This Good Practice Paper (GPP) aims inform the debate around quality, effectiveness and sustainability of South-South -
HLF4 Agreement Busan Partnership
We, Heads of State, Ministers and representatives of developing and developed countries, heads of multilateral -
DWG Report on Pillar9 Knowledge Sharing
This paper is based on “knowledge sharing” concepts used by International Organizations (UNDP, OECD, and World Bank) -
G20 Issues Paper Emerging Lessons KS Institutions
As multiple poles of growth and innovation have emerged around the globe, developing countries are sharing concrete solutions to cope with development challenges. -
Report G20 MYAP Pillar9 on Knowledge Sharing
At the 2nd DWG meeting in Cape Town, the G20 DWG generally agreed that knowledge sharing becomes an increasingly relevant tool to foster world‐wide development
inclusive green growth
towards green growth full report
The world economy is slowly, and unevenly, coming out of the worst crisis most of us have ever known.
Comsec-Francophonie Submission to G20 2011
The Commonwealth has long been a global advocate for sustainable development, a catalyst for considering and finding solutions to the challenges of the poorest,
Annex 1 - Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth
In the wake of the most severe economic shock in recent history, the G20 has the opportunity to contribute to the reconstruction of the world economy in a form conducive to strong, sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth. -
The following sets out our concrete actions and outcomes to be delivered and developed over the medium term.
Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa
PIDA is structured in three phases of work in addition to Inception Phase -
Infrastructure have significant implications for achievement of sustainable development objectives in Africa -
Informal Public Transport
In many developing cities, informal public transport or paratransit or Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) -
AWF Annual Report 2010
The activities undertaken and results achieved by the African Water Facility in 2010. -
Background Note to the RECS briefings to Member States
For Africa to achieve its goals of greater integration and political stability, better cooperation and collaborative action is needed between the AU, RECs, partners, the UN system, and other international organizations.
Changing Rules of Origin to Improve Market Access for Least Developed Countries
Developed countries are committed by the Millennium Development Goals, and under the World Trade Organization (WTO) communiqué issued at the Hong Kong ministerial in 2005, to provide duty-free, quota-free (DFQF) market access for least developed countries (LDCs). -
Workshop on Rules of Origin for WTO LDC Members
The LDC Group organised, with technical and financial support from Trade Mark Southern Africa, a workshop on preferential rules of Origin (RoO) from 13th – 14th September 2010. -
This study was conducted by the Department of Economic Affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC). -
Regional Integration is a core mandate of the Bank as reflected in its Medium Term Strategy (MTS), 2008-2012 and the Regional Integration Strategy (RIS), 2009-2012. -
The First Africa Region Review for EAC/COMESA
One of the major challenges in many African countries is low investment in infrastructure.
food security
Highlighting the success
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is, in many ways, unique in Africa. Never have development strategies been so transformed and so focused as they have become in the eight years of CAADP's existence. -
Accelerating CAADP Country Implementation
The overall purpose of this guide is to strengthen the quality of CAADP implementation at the country level. This guide is designed for all those – newcomers and veterans – involved in supporting and managing the CAADP process. -
Implementing CAADP for Africa’s Food Security needs: A progress report on selected activities
This note is prepared as a brief on the NEPAD Agency’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) - and in preparation - for the July 2010 Africa Union Heads of States Summit. In 2009, NEPAD stepped up interaction with the CAADP Country roundtable processes. -
Achieving food security and poverty alleviation in Africa is just as much in the interest of global food security, stability, development and growth. -
Thirty-sixth Session Rome, 11-14 and 16 October 2010
The Committee on World Food Security held its Thirty-sixth Session from 11 to 14 and 16 October 2010 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. -
Transforming Agricultural Research for Development Systems for Global Impact
The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) is organized by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), in association with the reform process of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). -
Scaling Up Nutrition A Framework For Action
In January 2008 The Lancet—one of the world’s most highly respected medical journals— issued a special five-part series on nutrition. -
The millions of our world’s people who have experienced under-nutrition early in life face many challenges as they grow up. -
UN SCN 2012 Endorsements to SUN Framework
Formal endorsements to the SUN Framework and contributing partners by 20/August/2010 -
Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respects Rights, Livelihoods and Resources
Many studies show that investment to increase productivity of owner-operated smallholder agriculture has a very large impact on growth and poverty reduction. -
Fighting Hunger Worldwide
Just as the number of hungry people worldwide grew to more than 1 billion – the highest number on record – we also faced shrinking humanitarian safe space to reach people, with unprecedented attacks on WFP staff and other humanitarian workers. -
Enabling people to adapt for the future
Scientific research indicates that climate change will dramatically increase the number of people at risk of hunger and malnutrition, especially in regions and communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America that are already exposed and very vulnerable to food insecurity. -
FIGHTING HUNGER WORLDWIDE The World Food Programme’s Year in Review, 2010
Disasters on a lesser scale punctuated the rest of the year, not least in the eastern regions of Africa’s arid Sahel. -
Feeding an additional three billion people over the next four decades, along with providing food security for another one billion people that are currently hungry or malnourished, is a huge challenge. -
Forum on Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM)
There has been a surge of interest in new market-based and traditional risk management instruments and approaches in recent years. -
Realizing a New Vision for Agriculture: A roadmap for stakeholders
The World Economic Forum is pleased to present this roadmap for realizing a New Vision for Agriculture, which is the outcome of an 18-month process that engaged global and regional stakeholders around the world.
growth with resilience
IA UNDP Presentation MDG Assessment
What will it take to achieve the MDGs?An International Assessment -
UNDP Report Assessment MDG
Based on a review of 50 country studies, this Assessment $nds that the resources and know-how necessary to achieve the MDGs exist. -
UNDP Annual Report
With activities in more than 160 countries UNDP is active across the developing world supporting countries to meet their development goals. -
The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development
The Human Development Report is the product of a collective effort under the guidance of the Director, with research, statistics, communications and production staff -
National Human Development Report in the Russian Federation
The authors express their gratitude to the management and employees of the Department of International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation -
G20 Leaders Conclusions on Migration
In the past, G8 leaders have focused efforts to support necessary migration with advocacy, assistance, asylum, capacity building, emergency response, fundraising, global needs assessments and overall protection. -
SPF Assessment Methodology
Rapid SPF country assessments & SPF national dialogues
financial inclusion
ATISG Innovative Financial Inclusion
Principles and Report on Innovative Financial Inclusion from the Access through Innovation Sub-Group of the G20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group -
G20 FIEG Principles_Report FI
At the Pittsburgh Summit in September 2009, G20 Leaders committed to improving access to financial services for poor people -
G20 FIEG Stocktaking Report
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is the lead technical advisor to the G-20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group’s (FIEG) SME Finance Sub-Group. -
G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan
More than two billion adults continue to lack access to financial services and the millions of micro-, smalland medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) face difficulties in accessing finance. -
G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion
Innovative financial inclusion means improving access to financial services for poor people through the safe and sound spread of new approaches.
domestic resource mobilization
IMF Stability Assessments
Integration of financial sector issues into bilateral surveillance has been a long-standing challenge. Financial stability is a key component of the domestic and external stability of members and is important for the promotion of the “stable system of exchange rates” envisaged under Article IV. -
IMF Financial Sector Surveillance
Financial sector issues and policies are central to the Fund’s surveillance mission, as the recent crisis has amply demonstrated, and the institution has placed a high priority on enhancing the coverage and depth of analysis of financial sector issues in surveillance. Achieving this goal requires far-reaching operational and resource adjustments, which are already underway. -
IMF Tax Policy Administration (TTF)
An effective tax system is a core function of an effective state. Beyond its obvious role in generating revenue needed for providing essential public services and public goods, it is generally agreed that a well designed and properly administered tax system contributes far more broadly than its contribution of revenue alone. -
WB SME Taxpayers Management
Special characteristics of SMEs: largest number of taxpayers; major contributors to informal economy operating outside tax net; compliance risk; face high costs of compliance relative to their turnover, profits; need to overcome hurdles of formalization. -
TJN Tax Information Exchange N-S
Since the UNFinancing for Development Conference in Monterrey 2002, domestic resource mobilization has been put high on the international development agenda. In this context, the important role of raising tax revenues in developing countries (DC) has been increasingly acknowledged. -
Who is making international tax policy, article
This Article begins the process of mapping the inquiry into the role of international organizations in tax policy. It identifies four basic questions that must be addressed and specifies the more sophisticated inquiries that must then be undertaken. -
OECD CTPA Forum on Tax Administration Background Note
To help carry out its mandate, the FTA is directly supported by two specialist sub-groups—Compliance and Taxpayer Services—that each carry out a program of work agreed by members. Both OECD and selected non-OECD countries participate in the work of the FTA and its sub-groups. -
OECD CTPA Report on Transfer Pricing Aspects
Risks are of critical importance in the context of business restructurings. An examination of the allocation of risks between associated enterprises is an essential part of the functional analysis. -
OECD GF3 Statement of Outcomes
The Global Forum initiated a discussion on reporting to the G20 summarising the Global Forum’s progress on its core activities relating to peer reviews and implementation of the internationally agreed standard. -
OECD TFTD Informal Statement
On 27th January 2010, the OECD hosted a joint meeting of the Committee on Fiscal Affairs and the Development Assistance Committee, bringing together the tax and development communities for the first time.
knowledge sharing
HLESSC Bogota Statement
We, representatives of partner countries, donors, multilateral and bilateral development organizations, parliaments and civil society, recognize that South-South cooperation (SSC) -
OECD TT-SSC at a Glance
The Task Team on South-South Cooperation (TT-SSC) brings partner countries, especially middle income countries, donors, civil society, academia, regional
We meet in the midst of a critical transition from crisis to recovery to turn the page on an era of irresponsibility and to adopt a set of policies
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) has identified infrastructure as one of the major drivers for economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa. -
The purpose of this document is to seek approval for the African Water Facility (AWF) Work Plan and Administrative Expenses Budget for 2009 operations from the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank. -
Policy Toolkit for Sustainable Urban Transport
Creating an umbrella instrument to aid formulation of urban transport policies that would aid downstream planning of possible interventions and project preparation. -
Asian Infrastructure Financing Initiative
The Asian Infrastructure Financing Initiative (AIFI) is an operational cofinancing platform to pool financial resources from development partners within Asia and the Pacific region to support infrastructure development in a coordinated manner, together with the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) own investments in infrastructure. -
Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa
The study initially identified 67 so-called sources of PPF funding -
NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) Special Fund NEPAD-IPPF
The African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of the NEPAD Secretariat and the African Development Bank submitted a request to the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) in July 2009
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) was established on 9 February 1991 through the collaborative efforts of the African Development Bank, the United Nations Development Program, The World Bank, bilateral donors and African governments. -
Handbook on Duty-Free Quota-Free and Rules of Origin
Least developed countries (LDCs) have been granted preferential tariff treatment in the markets of developed and developing countries under a number of schemes and arrangements -
Since the early years of Africa’s independence, the imperative of regional integration has been central to the political and economic vision of the continent’s leadership. -
Article 6(2) of the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community (AEC) which was signed in Abuja, Nigeria, on 03 June 1991 and entered into force in 1994 -
Regional Economic Communities in Africa A Progress Overview
In the context of globalization, regional integration is an imperative for Africa, in terms of enhanced competitiveness in global trading, prevention of conflicts and consolidation of economic and political reforms. -
Designing and Implementing Trade Facilitation
Trade facilitation has emerged as an important trade policy tool in an international environment characterized by falling import tariffs and removal of quotas.
private investment and job creation
The Millennium Development Goals: Reason for Hope, Call to Action
In a world of abundance, 854 million people suffer from hunger.1 Almost one billion people live on less than $1 a day. -
Business and the Millennium Development Goals. Your Call to Action.
In 2000, the heads of 189 states agreed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). -
Policy Note on the Business Environment for Inclusive Business Models
The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law.
food security
Climate change will affect all four dimensions of food security: food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food systems stability. -
LAquila Food Security Initiative (AFSI)
We, Heads of State, Government and International and Regional Organizations convened in L’Aquila, remain deeply concerned about global food security -
Global food security under climate change
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines food security as a ‘‘situation that exists when all people -
WFP Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan (2008–2013) lays out a framework for potential action for WFP. -
Managing Food Price Risks and Instability in an Environment of Market Liberalization
This report was prepared by Derek Byerlee, formerly Agricultural and Rural Development Department of the World Bank, and Bob Myers and Thom Jayne, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University. -
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) is proposed as a multilateral mechanism to assist in the implementation of pledges made at L’Aquila in July 2009 -
WSFS Rome Declaration on Food Security
We, the Heads of State and Government, or our Representatives and the Representative of the European Community have assembled in Rome at the World Summit on Food Security to take urgent action to eradicate hunger from the world.
growth with resilience
WB General Principles for Int Remittance Services
The flow of funds from migrant workers back to their families in their home country is an important source of income in many developing economies.
domestic resource mobilization
Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Text 1988
Done at Strasbourg, the 25th day of January 1988 in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in two copies of which one shall be deposited the archives Council of Europe and the other in archives of OECD. The Secretaries General Council of Europe and of OECD shall transmit certified copies to each member State the Council of Europe and of the member countries OECD. -
OECD MAC in Tax Matters Q&A
The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters was originally developed by the OECD and the Council of Europe in 1988.
knowledge sharing
110 cases of SS and Triangular Cooperation (Parth 1)
On March 2009, the Government of Colombia presented a proposal to the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF) -
110 cases of SS and Triangular Cooperation (Parth 2)
The SDI is a project made up of a cluster of projects designed to develop small communities through infrastructural development.